Gluten Allergy Treatment – If You’re Gluten Intolerant, Eat These Gluten Free Foods

Gluten allergy treatment, besides medications, includes a list of foods that you should eat or avoid. Look at these gluten free foods and start eating them now!

You may have gluten allergy without being aware of it. Most people experience gluten intolerance symptoms and continue living like that. Almost 20% of Americans live with this condition without being diagnosed with.

Signs of gluten intolerance

One of the most famous gluten allergy symptoms is the ‘chicken skin’. This is when little dots appear on your arms, thighs and back. This is due to the damaged gut caused by acid deficiency.

 Fatigue and dizziness are two other symptoms. If you notice chronic fatigue or dizziness, make sure you check yourself for gluten intolerance.

Digestive issues like bloating, constipation or diarrhea are also symptoms of gluten allergy. Often they are accompanied with headaches and you have a feeling that you’re having the flu.

Once you notice these symptoms, immediately do some allergy tests. If your diagnosis is some type of gluten intolerance, here’s what you should do:

Gluten allergy treatment – what to eat and what to avoid

First of all, let’s clear one thing up: gluten is a protein found in wheat, mostly. Also, it can be found in rye, barley and other types of grains.

Most of the foods you’re eating contain gluten. Except it clearly says on the package that it’s gluten free, be sure that it contains gluten.

That’s why you need to pay special attention when you’re buying things. Almost all of the processed foods, canned foods and even children foods are loaded with gluten. In addition, some vitamins and medications also contain gluten. So, you should carefully pick out only those who say ‘gluten-free’.

List of gluten free foods

  • Veggies: Brussels sprouts, celery, mushrooms, leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, artichoke, asparagus, lettuces, garlic, green beans, ginger, spinach etc.
  • Fruits: pumpkin, avocado, lemons, tomato, limes etc.
  • Protein: wild fish and seafood, whole eggs, poultry, grass-fed meat, pork etc.
  • Herbs: almost all kinds of fresh herbs; be careful with the ones in packages
  • Condiments: mustard, salsa, horseradish, hummus etc
  • Healthy fat: coconut oil, almond milk, sesame oil, coconuts, virgin olive oil, nuts, cheese, seeds etc.

Some foods can also be eaten in moderation:

  • Veggies: beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, carrots, parsnips etc.
  • Fruits: papaya, mangos, berries, prunes, pineapple, apricots etc.
  • Dairy: cow’s milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt
  • Non-gluten grains: rice, buckwheat, teff, quinoa, amaranth, millet etc.