Seven Bad Habits That Cause Bloated And Big Stomach!

Having a big stomach is never good for your appearance. Look at the list of foods that cause big stomach and you’re not aware of them!

The abdomen is an area of ​​our body that can bulge easily. It is very common to see this growth after eating or drinking lots of fluids. It is very important to differentiate between overweight bumps and bumps by bad habits. Being overweight happens by the accumulation of fat in the body.

The main cause of bulging of the abdomen is that our body does not properly perform digestion. This problem also causes damage to other areas of the body, especially the colon and intestines. The majority of cases in which there is inflammation of the abdomen is because we do not know how to have good habits of life.

Although some cases owe this condition to hormonal or genetic problems, the great majority suffers from this bulge due to excessive food or not being careful enough in what is consumed. Many foods cause gas within the body and when consumed in large quantities can be fatal.

The inflammation is characterized by very simple and recognizable symptoms, for example: feeling of heaviness, excess gas, stomach pain and of course an inflammation in the area of ​​the abdomen. Here we show you the foods that cause big stomach which you should avoid.

Foods that cause big stomach

Alcohol consumption: It is recommended not to consume alcoholic beverages along with food, let alone carbonated drinks. Both have effects of bloating, in addition to the large number of calories consumed with alcoholic beverages.

Drinking liquids while eating: Liquids you drink while eating dilute the gastric juices that process food, which causes a much slower digestion. We recommend drinking at least 30 minutes after each meal.

Eating in large proportions: Sometimes we eat more than what is really required to satisfy our body. And, that produces a bulge and a big stomach.

Eating quickly: Eating fast causes the brain to detect the satiety signal at an untimely time and you end up eating more in less time.

Learn to change your lifestyle and you will see great changes in a short time. Take advantage of youth and take care of your body before it is damaged.

Read more:Eliminate Colonic Waste Using This Homemade Remedy!

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