Hot Dogs And Cancer – How Dangerous Hot Dogs Are For Your Health And The Health Of Your Kids?

Hot dogs and hamburgers are our favorite meal. Our kids grow on hot dogs. But do you know that kids develop leukemia as a result of eating hot dogs?

Hot dogs are American number one food. They are handy, you have them in every corner, they are tasty, they’re a very practical snack and kids simply love them!

We all have hot dogs in our fridge like right now! Hot dogs are part of our lives and no one would wanna quit eating them. But do you know the gruesome truth behind hot dogs?

Our kids’ favorite food is the main source of their illnesses. Children who eat at least 10 hot dogs a month are 10 times more likely to get cancer, particularly leukemia.

Leukemia is an unfortunate form of cancer that affects the bone marrow. The blood forming organs start producing abnormal leukocytes and there’s almost nothing you could do to prevent this once it develops. Of course, today, there are millions of people who get proper therapy and treatment and save themselves with blood transplantation and other methods. However, it is better to prevent this deadly disease instead of cure it.

Hot dogs and cancer

The thing is, hot dogs contain nitrates which are used for meat preservation. When you see that the hot dog expires in 10 months, you know that it is full with nitrates that provide this long shelf expiration date.

Nitrate is an additive that prolongs the shelf life, gives pinkish coloration and adds a flavor to the meat in the hot dog. Also, it protects people from the bacteria clostridium botulinum, responsible for the development of many diseases.

On the other hand, nitrates form nitrosamines which are responsible for cancer development. They increase the risk of cancer both in adults and children.

That’s why you need to keep your kids away from hot dogs; the same goes for you. Any form of processed meat is highly dangerous for the health. The best thing you can do is try incorporating veggies in your home meals, and prepare to-go snack for your kids made of veggies and lean meat only.