What Nutrients Are In Watermelon Rinds? Read And Stop Throwing Them Away!

What nutrients are in watermelon rinds? Have you even thought about this? See the list and you’ll never throw them away again!

Everybody loves watermelons. There’s nothing better than a sunny day, beach, sea and watermelons. It’s like the perfect summer image, right?

Watermelons are very refreshing, keep us hydrated and work as antioxidants. But most importantly, they taste amazing! And, they provide amazing health benefits!

But you’ve probably never thought about the benefits of consuming the rinds as well, right? Watermelon rinds are also very beneficial for your health and you need to know why!

What nutrients are in watermelon rinds?

The rind of a watermelon works as a potent diuretic agent, stimulating good kidney function and regulating your blood pressure.

In addition, the rind itself is super rich in minerals and vitamins that your body needs every day. Some of them include zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium etc.

Although you know that the heart of the watermelon contains lycopene, you probably don’t know that the rind contains it as well. Lycopene helps in preventing development of many diseases.

But how could you possibly consume it? Probably the best and maybe the only way you could consume the rinds is in smoothies. Prepare a nice smoothie using watermelon rind and you’re ready to go and cease the day!

Benefits of watermelon rinds

Now that you know what nutrients are in watermelon rinds, you probably wanna know for which health conditions they can be helpful with.

For starters, the lycopene contained in watermelon rinds helps in fighting cancer. It works as an antioxidant that lowers the cancer risk up to 35%.

Next, it helps with urinary tract infections. Watermelon is 90% water, meaning it can stimulate the urine production and prevent any urinary tract complications. Consuming watermelon rinds with at least 6 glasses of water during the day, you’ll definitely stop and prevent any kind of minor urinary tract infection.

You know that nutritionists recommend watermelon for weight loss. Reasonably enough, the rinds can be used for the same cause as well. Their fiber richness makes you feel full and you don’t eat for a longer period of time after you’ve eaten a watermelon rind. Also, the diuretic properties will promote digestion and boost your metabolism, which is the main problem in weight gain.

Watermelon rinds also regulate your blood pressure, as stated previously. By promoting good urinary tract function and your metabolism, your body successfully gets rid of all the water and toxins. If you eat watermelon rinds and take your prescribed medication regularly, you’ll have no further blood pressure problems.