6 Things To Avoid While On Period In Order To Prevent Health Complications!

There are things to avoid while on period which will help you decrease the chance to suffer from a health complication. Check them all out!

Having a bad, difficult, painful menstrual period has a lot to do with the habits you maintain during this period, as these can damage your health and worsen your mood. We will let you know which the 6 most common mistakes that you’re making during menstruation are. Here’s the list of things to avoid while on period at all costs.

6 things to avoid while on period

1. Not sleeping well

The best thing during these days is to sleep and not because the pain weakens you, but not to demand from the body more effort than it can give. It is advisable not to be awake until the wee hours of the morning.

2. Overeating

You can suffer from anxiety during the menstrual period. That is, you feel like eating any food that is available or nearby. But, eating too much brings additional stomach problems which are not related to menstrual cramps.

3. Not eating

On the first day of your period, you usually have terrible stomach cramps that extremely painful and annoying. Because of this, there are women who prefer not to eat, but it is what should not be done. It is recommended to have patience and remember that your body needs its fuel to go through the period.

4. Work too much

If the work that you do is arduous, it is advisable to organize with time to bring infusions and pills with you. That way, you will avoid feeling pain. But, there are cases where the pain is unbearable and therefore, it is best to talk to the bosses about that case and to be able to take a leave when necessary.

5. Having sexual intercourse without a condom

Some women think that you should not have sexual relations when you are with the period, but others allow it. If you have the rule of still having sexual intercourse while on period, you can get pregnant or have a series of vaginal infections if you do not use a condom.

6. Not having a follow-up of the menstrual cycle

This allows you to be clear on the date you will ovulate, notice the changes, things that are experienced as cramps, among other features. Any irregularity may be attended by the gynecologist.

Further info: 7 Questions To Ask Gynecologist Immediately That You Wouldn’t Dare Asking!

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