Chemo and Radiation Consequences – What To Do After?

Chemo and radiation, unfortunately, have become words that we constantly hear. Numerous people are suffering from different types of cancer, and even worst, some of them cannot be saved.

chemo and radiation

Difficult cases set apart, one of the main reasons people lose the battle with cancer is simple. They are not informed enough about the side-effects and how to ease them and prevent them.

The side-effects of chemo and radiation include vomiting, appetite loss, nausea, headaches… depending on the type of cancer. These are so uncomfortable and just add more to the pain people feel when they’re fighting cancer. However, their loved ones suffer too. They keep trying to ease the pain and help the ill ones. So this article might help those of you who are suffering from this deadly disease and your loved ones who care for your health.

To start with, you need to know that chemo and radiation, do more harm than good. While killing the ‘bad’, malignant cells, they also hurt the good, healthy cells which the already exhausted body desperately needs. Unfortunately, it cannot go without them. So, in order to save the good cells, here’s what we recommend you to consume during and after chemo and radiation.

Ginger, raspberry leaves, flaxseed oil

Use these three ingredients as much as you can. After a vast cancer research, the associates of the Mayor of HealthyVille have found out that these three ingredients play a major role in easing the side-effects. Precisely, ginger helps with nausea, raspberry leaves with diarrhea and flaxseed oil brings back the strength to the ill body.

Cannabis oil

Although the use of cannabis oil is still a taboo in some parts of the world, it is of tremendous worth for people suffering from cancer. There are numerous testimonies of the survivors, but also, the most prestigious doctors, scientists, researchers around the world strongly recommend cannabis oil for cancer treatment. If you have access to this oil, start using it immediately: whether is before, during or after chemo and radiation. It helps in many ways, but if nothing else, it decreases the size of the cancer.

What to avoid using?

While in treatment, avoid using dairy, sweets and bread. The cancer feeds on these things. As previously mentioned, we have done a lot of research and spoken to a lot of survivors who have rigorously changed their diet and firmly believe that that is the reason why they are alive today. What started as a word of mouth, turned out to impress even the doctors – people coming in and out of scans being in partial or even full remission. Those people are the ones who completely changed their life, started eating only raw fruits and vegetables, stopped eating dairy, sugar and fast food, and were active as much as they could.

Of course, not all the things that help can be mentioned here. But, we’ll do our best to keep you on loop with the newest information we get. Cancer is a horrible disease, and we are all concerned with how to deal with it.