Do You Have Warts On Your Private Area? Look At The Signs And Seek Help

Warts on your private area cannot always be recognized immediately. They start spreading and this is when you notice them. Check the signs and seek medical help!

Warts can be caused by many factors. These include viruses, bacteria, HPV, skin fibroma and many more. Often they are confused with birthmarks or pimples and are not treated properly.

Then, how to recognize warts on your private area? Your private area, like your genitals and armpits are the most prone to getting these warts.

But what are warts? Warts are skin fibromas which can be safely removed by dermatologists. However, as we have been constantly hearing by our alders, some warts and birthmarks are better left untouched. This is because birthmarks shouldn’t be touched but warts should and must.

Warts are always caused by something, some inner inflammation. Mostly, they are caused by the HPV virus. These warts can be spread all over your body, including your mouth. Being totally dangerous, they should be removed as soon as they appear so they don’t spread.

Treatment of warts on your private area

Depending on the nature of the wart, there can be different treatments. Some warts disappear with applying special creams and gels, but other need surgical intervention.

One famous natural remedy for less dangerous warts is chelidonium maius L or celandine juice. Using this juice twice a day, you’ll get rid of the warts. Again, this is only for those not so dangerous warts.

In any case a wart appears, you should immediately contact your doctor in order to tell you what you should do. If your doctor says you need to check it thoroughly, do that. Your doctor will probably send you to a dermatologist and the dermatologist will take over from there.

The procedures that dermatologists use according to the type of wart is either freezing the warts with liquid nitrogen or a small surgical procedure. The most common and non-dangerous warts are successfully burned with nitrogen, however, those more serious, like condyloma, should be treated with surgery. Those need to be removed from their root so they don’t reappear.

Another way to treat them is by using sticky tape that also contains nitrogen. If you stick that sticky tape on your wart and leave it overnight, probably will fall off the next morning. If not, repeat the same thing again the next night. Again, this is for warts which are not on your sensitive area like genitals, face or armpit. This is for warts on your legs or hands.