Kill Flea Eggs Naturally And Eliminate Them From Your Home Using This!

To kill flea eggs naturally, all you need to do is prepare one of these homemade solutions. They are perfectly safe and with long-lasting effects! Check them out!

To remove fleas from your home is no simple task. The fleas, they like to survive on animals like dogs, cats, rabbits, and even on people.

One of the reasons for their presence at home is the fact that their eggs can remain dormant for more than a year and that is why, sometimes when the flea house has been cleaned, they reappear.

You need to be attentive and clean your house frequently to kill flea eggs naturally and permanently. Here are some effective home remedies to end with them.

Best home remedies to kill flea eggs naturally

  1. Flea trap with detergent

If you want to remove fleas from your home, with this remedy is the easiest way to do it. If you give your dog a bath with a dishwashing liquid, you can kill the fleas that nest in the body. Moreover, a flea trap will allow you to clean the entire flea house.

Prepare this:

  • Dishwasher liquid
  • Deep plates
  • Tea candles
  • Warm water

Do this:

  • At night, place a dish in each of your rooms.
  • Fill them with warm water.
  • Now add dishwashing liquid to this water.
  • Place the tea candle in the center of each dish and light the candle.

Fleas are attracted to light. When they jump into the light, they become trapped by the viscosity of the liquid and die.

  1. Salt solution

You can effectively eliminate the fleas that are most difficult to eliminate, especially those from the carpets. How does this happen? Salt becomes a dehydrating agent for fleas and dries their bodies. Here’s what you need to do:

Prepare this:

  • Salt powder
  • Large bottle with a lid

Do this:

  • Fill the bottle with the salt leaving a little space on the top so you can shake and spray the salt.
  • Sprinkle the salt on your carpets. Salt should cover the area evenly.
  • Leave it like that for 12 to 48 hours.
  • After 1-2 days, aspirate completely.
  1. Rosemary

If your house is infested with fleas, you can use rosemary to control the problem. Rosemary can be used in several ways: powder, a rinse, or oil.

How to make rosemary powder to kill flea eggs naturally?

Prepare this:

  • Take equal parts of rosemary, rue, wormwood, fennel, mint.

Do this:

  • Take all the herbs and grind them until they become fine powder.
  • Sprinkle this dust on your carpet, furniture, underneath furniture, window frames or anywhere else where you believe that there may be flea eggs.

Read more: 7 Herbs To Use For DIY Parasite Cleanse!

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