How To Treat A Person Who Has Cancer – Do’s And Don’ts You Too Should Know!

How to treat a person who has cancer is the question you ask yourself whenever you find out that someone is having one. No one knows the right answer. But we’ll try to present to you the essential do’s and don’ts.

how to treat a person who has cancer - holding hands

To find out that someone you know has cancer is not pleasant news. If you’re very close to that person, you feel even worse. You cannot overcome the feeling of discomfort and you’re scared to visit that person. Unfortunately, cancer is horrifying. It can happen to your loved ones as well, God forbid. This article aims to help every person in this world that knows someone with cancer.

First thing to know is that there will be physical changes, due to the cancer itself, but also due to chemo and radiation. This person would lose weight, hair and concentration. You may not find the same person you once knew. Also, paleness and tiredness in their face would be obvious. Cancer patients react differently when receiving the news. Some become depressive and lose hope, others fight. You might see either of these, so be prepared to tears, motivational or angry speech and be prepared to offer your sympathy. This person copes with this disease the best way possible. Be supportive, but don’t overdo that… just talk from your heart. We’ll elaborate on this by giving you the most important do’s and don’ts on how to treat a person who has cancer.

Do’s on how to treat a person who has cancer

  • Respect their privacy – If they don’t want to see you, it means they’re either embarrassed or too tired to speak to you.
  • Talk to them – Talk about usual stuff: work, kids, friends… but with caution. Follow their lead; see first what they want to talk about. Maybe you’ll discourage them with something. Your problems might seem too small compared to theirs.
  • Listen to them – Just hear them what they want to say. Maybe they’ll openly talk about their illness, maybe they won’t, and maybe they just want to be heard. Be a caring listener; show them that you care.
  • Be normal around them – Just be yourself; if that person knows you well, they’ll allow you to express your feelings and tell them what you feel. If they don’t, that would seem exaggerated and fake.
  • Prepare them their favorite meal – If that person loves some meal that you make, your special recipe, then don’t doubt to prepare them one. They’ll know you care.

Don’ts on how to treat a person who has cancer

  • Tell them how to treat their cancer and give them unnecessary advice – Maybe you’re not aware, but you’re not the first person who offered that same advice. They are tired of this.
  • Offer to help around the house – They feel incapable enough, and their close ones do that job just perfectly well.
  • Talk about cancer all the time – In fact, try avoiding that. If that person doesn’t want to talk about it, they definitely don’t want to hear about it either.
  • Compare them to other people who have survived cancer or lost the battle with it – That’s just the worst thing! You’re not the first one to do that either. They cannot bear hearing that. Also, that might give them hope for a battle they know they cannot win.
  • Tell them ‘I’ve been there’ unless you really were, unless you survived cancer – ‘Cause if you haven’t had cancer, then you haven’t really been there. This is something a healthy person would never understand.
  • Feel uncomfortable hugging them – It would mean a world to them if you hug them if that was the kind of relationship you’ve always had.
  • Go to visit them if you’re sick – They have enough on their plate; they don’t need additional pills in their life.
  • CRY! Never cry… even if you would want to, even if you cannot stop yourself, even if that person is crying. ‘Cause if you do so, this person would never stop crying.

Hopefully, we’ve helped you understand how to treat a person who has cancer, because this is really important for their recovery. They don’t need additional stress in their life, they don’t need to wonder whether you pity them or you really care. That’s why it’s essential to stick to these do’s and don’ts. Although you’ll think you’re not being helpful enough, just remember that by your appearance only you’ve made their day a bit happier.