Get Rid Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Constipation Pain With Ginger And Chamomile

Irritable bowel syndrome and constipation are very common these days; learn how to reduce the symptoms using ginger and chamomile!

A common pathology in these times is the irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. It is so common that thousands of people around the world suffer from it. It causes severe abdominal and intestinal pains.

There are many causes for these discomforts; one of them is the sensitivity or digestive motility influenced by psychological factors. This in turn can cause the person to develop gastroenteritis and certain food intolerance such as lactose, hormonal alterations and also genetic factors. In turn the intestinal gases help to worsen abdominal symptoms.

If you are one of the people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and constipation, we will give you the perfect recipe to alleviate this illness with a delicious iced tea of ​​chamomile and ginger.

Chamomile and ginger iced tea for irritable bowel syndrome and constipation

To avoid the irritable colon, prepare this iced tea that includes chamomile and ginger, which is wonderful for digestion. Therefore the combination of both ginger and chamomile will have a powerful effect on this syndrome and will calm those strong abdominal pains.


  • 9 cups water
  • Ice cubes
  • 1/2 cup chopped ginger
  • Honey of bee (will serve to sweeten the tea)
  • 1/3 cup of chamomile (natural, and not the one that comes in sachets)

Preparation method

– You should mix a cup of water with honey in a frying pan and cook over a low heat until you get a homogeneous mix.

– Remove the mixture from the pan and now add the ginger. Let it stand for a period of ten minutes.

– Put eight cups of water to boil.

– Once the water is boiled, look for a container where you can put it and add the chamomile.

– Mix it and let it stand for about 5 minutes.

Put the the paste of ginger with honey in the container with the chamomile.

– Stir it until it is combined and let it cool.

– To finish and optionally, you can add ice cubes to make it a more refreshing drink.

Read more: Symptoms Of Bloated Belly Say More About Your Health Than You Think!

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