8 Unbelievable Banana Flower Health Benefits

Banana flower health benefits are pretty amazing. Look why and how you could use a banana flower to improve your lifestyle.

The banana flower grows in Colombia. Its blossom is dark purple red and the small flowers on the inside grow into bananas. It tastes bitter but it’s rich in vitamins and it’s immensely healthy.

Banana flowers can be used in the kitchen for making a soup, as a salad, steamed or you can eat it raw. That being said, let’s see the banana flower health benefits, then we’ll suggest a recipe for banana flower salad.

Banana Flower Health Benefits

Diabetes and anemia

If you’re a diabetes patient, hurry to buy yourself banana flowers. They reduce the blood sugar and assist in red blood cell production, by raising the hemoglobin.


Alzheimer and Parkinson’s are just an example of those neutral disorders caused by free radicals that can be prevented by regular consumption of banana flowers.


Containing ethanol, banana flowers are perfect for preventing the growth of pathogenic bacteria, the main cause for infection. It can treat and cure infection.

Period and uterus problems

Banana flowers effectively treat period problems, such as excessive bleeding, unbearable pain and inconsistent period. This is because banana flowers increase the production of progesterone.

Gastrointestinal problems

Being rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, banana flowers allow food to easily go through the digestive tract, while assisting in dissolving the bulk of undigested food. The first one is due to soluble and the second one due to insoluble fiber. This means that banana flower boosts digestion easily.


Nursing moms should immediately start consuming banana flower because it promotes lactation/ Due to its high fiber, it can eliminate pregnancy constipation as well.

Anxiety and mood

This fruit is the best natural antidepressant. Due to magnesium presence in banana flowers, it improves the mood and reduces the anxiety. Whenever you’re feeling down, just make sure you eat a banana flower.

Cardiovascular problems and cancer

Containing flavonoid, acids, tannins and many other antioxidants, banana flowers eliminate oxidative damage that causes cancer, heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

Tip for banana salad

You’ll need 2 banana flowers (blossoms), 500 gr shelled prawns (cooked), 1 onion (sliced), 1 teaspoon of lemon or sour lime juice, 1 tablespoon of butter, a little bit of vinegar, salt and pepper.

First thing you gotta do is to cut the banana flowers and leave them overnight in a bowl of water with a little bit of vinegar.  Clean them the next morning and trench them.

Next, you need to add the cooked prawns with butter in a bowl, adding the salt and pepper. Take them and blend them in a blender until they’re smooth. Put them back to the bowl, adding all the other components and toss a little bit. Let it cool down for at least half an hour and serve.