The Healthiest Halloween Treats – Healthy, Scary Surprises For The Little Ones

The healthiest Halloween treats are here! You never thought you’d ever make them? Well, look at these amazing ideas and change your mind!

The healthiest Halloween treats

Halloween is the best time of the year for the little ones. They want to get awesome, scary treats and you’re supposed to make them. But have you thought of a healthier alternative this year? We’ll give you some ideas on how to prepare the healthiest Halloween treats and surprise the little ones. They’ll love how they look, and they’ll definitely be tempted to try them. Check out!

The Healthiest Halloween Treats

First and foremost, healthy Jack-o’-Lantern idea

Pretty simple. Just take an orange and using a spoon, take the pulp out. Using a knife, cut the eyes, the nose and the scary smile. Fill the inside of the orange with pieces of avocado, so that you get the scary effect.

Olive snake lying on hummus

Use veggies to decorate the Halloween table. Take one long plate, put hummus on it and flatten it. Next, take black olives of different sizes, and order them from the biggest to the smallest in the shape of a snake. In the end, take a thin piece of carrot, and shape it to look like the snake’s tongue. Hisssssss!

Olive spiders and tofu

Grab a spoon for ice-cream and shape the tofu in one plate so that it looks like a ball. Take one olive and put it in the center of the tofu. Take a knife and slice another olive in thin pieces, looking like spiders legs.

The Horrifying Eyeball Pasta

So easy, yet so horrifying. Prepare the pasta, put it in a bowl and put homemade ketchup on top of it. Take one piece of cheese and using a knife, make little balls of it. Take one olive and cut the top and the bottom of it, also, in the shape of a ball. Stick them together and put them on top of the pasta.

Ghost-y Pizza

Never saw a pizza with ghost all over it? Well, you’ll make one now. Take whole-wheat pizza dough, put homemade ketchup on it and bake it for about 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, use a cookie cutter in the shape of a ghost to cut skim mozzarella. Take the pizza out of the oven and put the ghost-shaped mozzarella on top of it. Return it into the oven until the mozzarella is melted. When the pizza is out of the over, take one olive and cut it in small pieces that look like the eyes of a ghost. Put them on top of the mozzarella ghosts and voila! Healthy, yummy and haunting!


Take celery and cut it in half. It would be nice if you have vegetable cream cheese, but any low-fat cheese can do. Choose the cheese you prefer and fill the celery with it. Next, take turkey or chicken breasts and make small, thin strips. Criss-cross the cheese with the meat. Then, take dried goji berries and cut them in small pieces to look like the scary eyes of the mummy.