There are some questions to ask gynecologist that you wouldn’t dare asking, but you should now! You should know these things before it’s too late!
From or before the age of 21, and especially if you have had sex for the first time, a gynecological appointment is recommended once a year. These visits are designed to make routine checks that avoid the risk of serious diseases such as cervical cancer.
Many women, however, avoid these visits because they are uncomfortable. But even those who make them in time, perhaps do not take the time to evacuate all their doubts.
No matter if you deal with a male doctor or a woman, there are some questions to ask gynecologist that are embarrassing to ask. This should not happen, since the best way to take care of your health is to have the necessary information. But in addition, not always the health staff makes communication easy, and the environment might not be the most comfortable to ask about issues that are, unfortunately, taboo, so these things happen.
We have compiled 7 questions to ask gynecologist, so you have more data to look after your health. However, they are only for guidance: do not be embarrassed to ask … for this is your doctor!
7 questions to ask gynecologist
1.- Is there any medical impediment to having intercourse with the menstrual period?
There is no medical risk in having intercourse in the menstrual period. In fact, the risk of pregnancy is almost non-existent at that time. But the risks of sexually transmitted diseases are the same as at any other time, so taking care of you remains important.
It can actually be uncomfortable for women to have intercourse when they are menstruating for a hygiene issue, and it is normal for them not to want to do so. But there is no medical contraindication in this regard.
2.- Can you suspend your menstrual period by taking contraceptives in a row? It is dangerous?
Oral contraceptives stipulate a known “rest period.” These are the days when you should not take pills, or when you take placebos (the last pills in the package, of different color, that do not have hormones).
In this period is when menstruation lowers.
By skipping the rest period and starting a new package of oral contraceptives directly, it is possible to cancel the bleeding (there are also contraceptives designed to not have the period). However doctors do not recommend doing it regularly. Also, if you take hormonal contraceptives it is good to know what their side effects are in the short term and long.
3 .- Is it true that the vagina can be lax because of having too much sex?
Not really. The vagina may change a little in size over the years, but this is not related to the number of sexual encounters we have.
Pregnancies and births can bring some more significant changes than those related to sex. Anyway, the vagina is an organ able to stretch and then return to its original size.
4.- If I have herpes on the lips and I practice oral sex, can I get it?
Yes, you can spread the herpes to your sexual partner if you have it on your lips. It is best that you resort to using condoms, or avoid practicing oral sex while the herpes lasts.
5.- Is it normal for bleeding and / or pain during intercourse?
No. Heavy bleeding and pain during intercourse are abnormal symptoms, which require medical consultation. One of the most common causes is vaginal infection.
6.- If I have had unprotected sex, do I need to get tested for STDs even if I do not have any symptoms?
Many sexually transmitted diseases are asymptomatic, and it can take years for the person to know they have them.
Therefore, if you have had unsafe sex, you should do the tests, to make sure you have no disease.
7.- What are the warning signs regarding fungi?
The most common cause of vaginal infections is fungi. Keep in mind that they are not sexually transmitted, and may be present in the vagina without your knowledge.
Signs of a possible vaginal yeast infection that you should be aware of are: genital irritation and itching, or the appearance of whitish (yogurt-like) flow that generally does not have a bad odor.
Further info: Having Sexual Relationships During Periods – This Is What Gynecologists Say About It!
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