You Have A Ball Of Fat Under Skin? Check These Natural And Effective Ways To Eliminate It

A ball of fat under skin, or a fat tissue looks awful. Although surgical procedures can be performed, you can easily eliminate it at home! Check out how!

Fat tissue, or also called adipose tissue, or lipoma or simply a ball of fat under skin is a noncancerous tissue growth due to fat storage.

These lumps can develop almost in every part of your body, but most often on the neck, forehead, armpits or torso. Also, it is not unusual for more of these fat tissues to be present in two parts of your body at the same time.

They don’t cause any particular problems but do not look good. A ball of fat under skin won’t cause you any pain, it can remain or grow but you won’t have further complications.

However, if you want to go through a surgical procedure, you might get these complications, due to infections and the post-surgical pain. You will actually have wound after it and the pain might continue for days.

That’s why if you have lipoma, you should treat it naturally, and not put yourself under any kind of risk. We’ll present you a few recipes that you could eliminate the fat tissue in just a couple of days, completely naturally.

How to eliminate a ball of fat under skin?

First of all, let’s mention that these recipes won’t cost you a dime, you can find the ingredients in your home and the procedures are pretty easy.


For this recipe, you’ll need one egg yolk and two tablespoons of salt. Mix them well and apply the mixture on the affected area 4 times a day. There’s no time limit how long you should use it; it depends on the size of the lipoma. But it’s perfectly safe to use this mixture as long as you need, until you see that there’s no more unwanted fat tissue.


Simple – a mixture of honey and flour. Take one tablespoon of each and mix them. You’ll get a sticky paste that you’ll need to apply on your lipoma. You’ll need to apply a nice layer, 0.5-1cm, and place a piece of cloth over it or a napkin. This remedy requires 36 hours to react and do the work, so you’ll need to keep it on the lipoma at least one and a half day. Repeat this procedure for a week and you’ll feel that the lump is gonna be prepared to burst. Squeeze it and all the fat will go out.


This one is the easiest, however, it takes time for it to show results. You should apply a few drops of propolis once a day. The fat will disappear in two or three weeks, so it’s not a very quick solution. But it’s worth a try.