Too acidic body pH is not a good thing. It actually signals cancerous cells growing somewhere in your body. Check your pH balance at home!
Your body needs to be slightly alkaline to be at its healthiest point. Your cells, the chemical reactions inside them, the beneficial bacteria in the intestine and your immune system all work best in a slightly alkaline environment. An acid body means your systems do not work as efficiently as they should.
It is a scientifically proven fact that when too acidic body pH appears (a condition known as acidosis), your body is much more susceptible to many diseases and conditions such as:
- Obesity, slow metabolism and inability to lose weight
- Chronic inflammation
- Diabetes
- Bladder and kidney disorders, including kidney stones
- Weakened immunity
- Premature aging
- Weight gain
- Osteoporosis, weak and brittle bones and fractures
- Joint pain, muscle pain and lactic acid buildup
- Low energy and chronic fatigue
- Humor changes
- Slow digestion and elimination
- Growing fungi
- High blood pressure
Drugs and toxic chemicals have the effect of lowering the body’s pH, which is the reason why there are side effects to the drugs and none of them performs the cure. When the pH of the body drops below 6.4, enzymes are deactivated, digestion does not function properly, and vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements cannot be assimilated effectively.
Acid decreases energy production in cells, the ability to repair damaged cells, the ability to detoxify heavy metals, and makes the body more susceptible to fatigue and disease. The pH of your body affects everything.
Research has shown that the disease cannot survive in an alkaline state, and that viruses, bacteria, yeasts, molds, fungi and cancer cells mature in an acid environment, with low oxygen levels and low pH.
How does too acidic body pH develop?
An acid pH can be the result of an acidic diet, emotional stress, toxic overload, and immune reactions or any process that deprives cells of oxygen and other nutrients. The body tries to compensate for acid by utilizing alkaline mineral reserves, such as sodium from the stomach, and calcium from bones. This is a primary cause of osteoporosis and many other diseases. If there are not enough minerals in the diet to compensate, there will be acid buildup in the cells, resulting in symptoms like pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and lupus.
Cancer is not compatible in a healthy pH environment full of oxygen. For example, there is no cancer of the heart. This is because blood flowing from the lungs to the heart is at the highest levels of pH and oxygen throughout the body. As the blood travels through the lungs, acidic toxins are thrown out of the system leaving you rich in oxygen and with a high blood pH.
In the absence of oxygen, the glucose is subjected to fermentation in lactic acid. This causes the pH of the cells to drop even lower. The pH of the urine and saliva of terminal cancer patients is almost always between 4.0 and 5.5. When the cancer goes into metastasis the pH falls even lower.
In 1964, only 1 in 214 people contracted cancer. Today it is 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men. The determinant factor between health and disease is pH. It is not uncommon for the average American to have between 4 pH and 5 pH.
How to check whether you have too acidic body pH?
The good news is that you can easily test your pH levels in your home. Just buy a packet of pH test strips here.
You can check your pH levels during the day, but try to do it at the same time each morning, as your body will be more acid at other times of the day. The goal is to get the pH of the first morning urine to be between 6.5 and 7.5.
For saliva, the pH should be similar to urine. Wait at least two hours after eating to measure the pH of the saliva. To perform the test you need to fill your mouth with saliva and then swallow it. Repeat this step again to make sure your saliva is clean, and then put some saliva in the pH strip.
In addition to the foods you eat, know that stress can also affect your pH levels. Practicing deep breathing, eating vegetables and drinking lots of water can lighten your acid load.
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Read more: GO RAW Cancer Patients, Alkaline Diet Really Helps