Candida – Risk Factors, Signs And Treatment!

Candida is women’s worst enemy. Literally. Women all around the world face vaginal yeast infections more than you could imagine. An estimated 75% of women, at least once in their life, have this problem. It is an infection of the vagina and the vulva, caused by fungus. Candida is the most common fungus that causes these problems.

candida girl

Risk factors

Regular vaginal micro flora consists of microorganisms. These microorganisms maintain the pH level of the vagina from 3.8 to 4.2. This prevents development of pathogenic microorganisms. Women get infected by Candida when the normal balance of vaginal micro flora is disturbed.

The most common risk factors for vaginal yeast infection are:

  • Long-term antibiotic use

If you use antibiotics for a longer period of time, it can lead to disruption of the micro flora balance. It can reduce the level of microorganisms, and thus, increase the risk of vaginal yeast infection.

  • Diabetes

It is thought that people who suffer from diabetes, and do not get appropriate treatment, may get fungal infection.

  • Increased level of estrogen

Research confirms that vaginal yeast infection appears in women who have elevated levels of estrogen (during pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives etc.).

  • Compromised immunity

Bad or no immunity also enables the development of fungal infections. HIV affected and people with malignant diseases are at the greatest risk.

  • Frequent sexual partner change

Transmission of fungal infection between sexual partners is, of course, logical. Therefore, we advise you to be practicing only protected sex.

  • Use of means that can disrupt the balance of the vaginal micro flora

This happens when inappropriate gels for intimate care or other cosmetic stuff are used.

What are the signs and symptoms of Candida?

  • Thick, whitish vaginal discharge
  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Redness and swelling of the vulva
  • Burning sensation while you’re urinating
  • Pain during sexual intercourse

Fungal infection can happen to men, too.

  • Itching of the head of the penis
  • Burning
  • Redness and irritation of the head of the penis
  • Burning sensation when urinating

Diagnosis & treatment

Fungal vaginal infections symptoms are similar to the other genital diseases. So, it is necessary, besides physical examination, to make further analysis. Papanicolaou test gives the most trust-worthy results. Treatment can be local or oral.

What if the treatment is unsuccessful?

In some cases, despite proper prescribed therapy, symptoms and signs still appear,even though you followed the advice of your gynecologist. When the signs are still there, your treatment was definitely unsuccessful.There are several reasons for this result. In many cases, this is due to improper diagnosis.

What if the fungal infection is often repeated?

If a woman’s vaginal fungal infection reoccurs within a year, then it is a recurrent infection. In that case, you need to make additional analysis. Recurrent infection could mean that you have some other disease.

Hopefully, we’ve shed some light on Candida. We tried to give you as much information possible, in order to prevent Candida. Better to prevent than to cure, right? So read though the risk factors once again and try to avoid doing those things. We wish you luck!