Chinese Face Reading Method That Helps You Understand the Health Problems You’re Facing

Use this Chinese face reading method to find out what’s wrong with your health. What may seem as a simple mole may indicate a serious health problem. See why!

If our eyes are the reflection of our soul, our face is the clear reflection of the health of our organism in general. In fact, the cartography of the face can reveal numerous health problems.

The cartography of the face is based on the ancient philosophies of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda and links the changes in our skin with our internal health. This Chinese face reading helps us diagnose the root of our skin problems and other health problems that can be more complicated.

Chinese face reading

1- Forehead – Associated with the nervous system and digestion

The forehead is connected with the activity of the nervous system and digestion. Therefore, stress and having a slow digestive system can be the trigger of acne outbreaks in this area.

Avoid refined sugars, fats and processed foods. Try to consume much more fruit and vegetables with high fiber content to keep the digestive system working constantly. Avoid stress with meditation, yoga or any other activity that helps you relax. You can also try dandelion infusions or lemon juices with warm water to naturally detoxify the liver.

2- The right side of the eyebrow – Associated with stress

Wrinkles in this area can tell you that you have too many emotions contained. In these cases very effective relaxation techniques such as yoga or even going to therapy to get rid of all those emotions that you have contained and that are making you feel very bad with the passage of time are recommended.

3- The left side of the eyebrow – Associated with the spleen

The wrinkles in this area means that something has affected your spleen. The Chinese face reading could help you get rid of the problems with your spleen that you weren’t aware of. Make sure you check yourself and see what treatment would be appropriate for your condition.

4- Eyes – Associated with joints, thyroid and intestines

An excess of white pigmentation in the iris may reflect the degeneration of the joints and malabsorption of nutrients. If you notice that the iris has a ring of color around it, it may indicate that you consume too much salt and sugar.

Consume more nuts, flax seeds, organic broths made with the bones of meat, turmeric and ginger. Reduce the intake of caffeine, sugar and refined salt and processed foods, as they tend to increase inflammation.

5- Zone under the eyes – Associated with the kidneys

Swelling of the lower eyelids may be associated with slow renal function. The “bags” of dark and swollen eyes can also indicate a deterioration of kidney function.

Drink plenty of water, as dehydration reduces the function of the kidneys and prevents them from performing their essential functions of eliminating toxins. Take care of the adrenal glands by getting enough sleep and avoiding stress. You should also avoid coffee and alcohol, as they produce dehydration.

Further info: See The 10 Signs Of This Rare Adrenal Gland Tumor Caused By Of High Cortisol Levels!

6- Cheeks – Associated with the lungs and the slowing down of the metabolism

Discoloration spots on the cheeks can tell you that you have a slower metabolic rate and absorb the worst nutrients from food. Changes in cheek color are also associated with lung function problems.

Try different breathing techniques to oxygenate the lungs and increase lung capacity. Perform cardiovascular exercise to also improve lung function and speed up metabolism. Chew food very well to facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients. Drinking green tea and having a diet rich in antioxidants also help protect the skin from air pollution.

7- Nose – Associated with the cardiovascular system

It is believed that the nose is linked to circulation, so skin problems in this area can indicate blood pressure problems.

Increase the intake of heart-healthy foods such as avocado, walnuts, tahini, cold-pressed olive oil or flax seeds. Limit the consumption of alcohol and coffee.

8- Lower lip – Associated with the digestive system

Wrinkles in this area may reflect inadequate bowel function. Brown spots can indicate problems of indigestion or insufficiency of digestive enzymes. The skin problems in this area can also mean the presence of parasites in the intestines and the pallor of the lower lip can be a symptom of anemia.

Consume good quality probiotics and consume more iron-rich foods such as vegetables, green leaves and lean red meat.

9- Tongue – Associated with lungs and toxin overload

The appearance of white circles in the central or posterior area of ​​the tongue may indicate the accumulation of intestinal toxins. Rashes on the outer edges of the tongue may be related to poor lung function.

Incorporate more detoxifying foods such as lemon or ginger and perform cardiovascular exercises and meditation to improve lung function.

10- Chin – Associated with hormones and stress

It is very common for women to see small spots around the chin when they are with menstruation or suffer premenstrual syndrome. This is because this is the facial area that regulates hormonal imbalance and where stress manifests itself.

Try to improve hormonal function and avoid artificial beauty products, as they tend to contain toxins that interfere with the endocrine system. Avoid stress and try relaxation techniques to rest better.

The truth is that the skin problems of our face can be symptoms of a large number of health problems, therefore we must take care of our diet and go to the doctor as soon as we see something strange in our skin.

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