Constant Nosebleed – Find Out the 10 Main Reasons Why!

In case of constant nosebleed, you need to go visit your doctor right away. If the nosebleed is not as frequent, you can handle it at home. See why and how!

There is only cause for concern when the nose bleeds in a very abundant and frequent way. In other cases, it is usually due to a banal cause and the situation can be handled at home.

In the vast majority of cases, the nose bleeds for reasons that have nothing to do with a serious health condition. However, it is not a symptom that should be taken lightly. When it is repetitive or intense, it may be related to a consideration problem.

It is a symptom that virtually all people have ever experienced throughout life. So much so, that when the nose bleeds almost everyone knows some homemade measure to treat that bleeding.

In any case, it is always important to know the reasons why the nose bleeds. Most of them are banal and do not have to cause any concern. The technical name for this type of hemorrhage is “epistaxis” and they only merit a medical consultation when they are recurrent.

When the nose bleeds?

It is estimated that at least 60% of the population has experienced, at least once, a nosebleed. In the nasal cavity there are many blood vessels and most of them are relatively superficial. About 95% of bleeding occurs in the area near the nostrils and is called anterior epistaxis.

When bleeding originates in the deepest part of the nose it is called posterior epistaxis. The usual thing is that in these cases there is a greater volume of blood and it is more difficult to handle. When this type of bleeding occurs, it requires immediate medical attention.

Cases in which the nose bleeds are more common among children under 10 and adults over 45. However, this problem can occur at any age. The main reasons for this to happen are the following:

10 reasons for constant nosebleed

  1. Dryness

Many times the nose bleeds because there is not enough moisture in the nasal cavity. This leads to dryness and causes bleeding to occur easily. The problem originates from not breathing through the nose, not keeping it clean, from viruses or allergies. It is not serious.

  1. Foreign body

It is relatively common for children to put objects in their nose and that this goes unnoticed. With the days, there may be bleeding that is usually accompanied by a purulent discharge, bad smell, and difficulty breathing. It is best to see a doctor in this case.

  1. Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is not always accompanied by nasal bleeding, but in many cases this symptom is present. This bleeding is spontaneous and usually occurs at night. It is not a worrying sign, but the case should be put in the hands of a specialist to control the allergy.

  1. Injury

Injuries are the most frequent reason why the nose bleeds. They occur when suffering a blow, picking your nose or blowing yourself with excessive vigor. In those cases, homemade measures are usually sufficient to stop the bleeding. The most serious blows in the nasal cavity, or in the skull, also cause bleeding and this requires medical intervention.

  1. Hypertension

Until a while ago it was believed that hypertension could cause slight and relatively constant nosebleeds. Today, it is believed that the opposite is true: nasal bleeding causes some anxiety and causes blood pressure to rise.

  1. Inappropriate environment

Sometimes the environment is too dry, mainly due to heating or air conditioning. This leads to the drying of the nasal mucosa and causes any small lesion to lead to bleeding. You can treat it with homemade measures.

Nasal bleeding can be a product of environmental conditions, for example due to exposure to heating or air conditioning.

  1. Use of some substances

Some substances make people more predisposed to nosebleeds. Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents are some of those substances. Likewise, the excessive use of decongestants makes bleeding more easily.

  1. Von Willebrand disease

Von Willebrand disease is a serious condition, which has some similarities with hemophilia. It is a genetic problem that causes coagulation difficulties. Copious, constant nosebleed may be a symptom of the presence of this condition.

  1. Other diseases

There are other serious diseases for which the nose bleeds copiously and frequently. Among them are leukemia, some malignant tumors and certain liver diseases. When the bleeding has the mentioned characteristics, it is always necessary to consult the doctor.

  1. Not that common causes

Sometimes a benign tumor puts pressure on the blood vessels that supply the nose and cause bleeding. Likewise, changes in atmospheric pressure or altitude may cause bleeding. This occurs when traveling by plane or ascending a very high mountain.

In short, as we have mentioned, most of the time the nose bleeds there is no cause for concern. However, it is important to discuss it with the doctor, especially if it becomes recurring.

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