Corona Virus Recommendations for a Quarantine Period

The corona virus recommendations in regards to hygiene, food supply, diet and mental health could really help you out during the quarantine period.

The quarantine period in which we find ourselves due to the corona virus put us in a different situation. Here are some recommendations to keep in mind to get through this time in the best way.

Since the corona virus pandemic began in the world, habits have changed for a large part of the population. There are countries with a government-established quarantine period, and others with recommended isolation with restrictions on movement.

Quarantine is implemented to decrease the rate of contagion and dilute it in the months. There is a risk that health systems will become saturated with consultations and bed occupancy. So, the intention is to stretch the transmission curve to give response time to health teams.

Despite the need to implement isolation, new complications have arisen from it. Quarantine poses challenges of coexistence, hygiene and supply.

Medical and government organizations have developed guidelines and recommendations for this period. They pursue the objective of helping the population to cope with the pandemic, which does not have a precise end date.

Mental health corona virus recommendations for quarantine

Mental health is essential in quarantine periods. Isolation is a situation for which we are not previously prepared, much less if it is associated with the risk of becoming ill.

One of the main recommendations in this area is to establish daily routines. The organization of day to day will organize the brain and emotions, so as not to fall into chaos and disorder.

This must be compensated with creativity so as not to repeat, in this routine, the same acts for two, three and even more weeks. Monotony should be avoided within the organization, especially with the children of the family, who cannot sustain the repetition without getting tired.

It will be important to maintain the connection with the exterior respecting the insulation. Knowing the news about the evolution of the corona virus pandemic will give us a feeling of security. In any case, we should not overdo it by consuming news by others, since that would be counterproductive.

Finally, tolerance is mandatory if we spend the quarantine period with other people. Under the same roof, for so many hours, it is logical that anger and annoyance appear. They are expected and must be handled in the best way. Because they are also the product of the particular situation.

Diet and exercise

Being quarantined is a risk factor for other aspects of our health. At the moment, we must respect it due to the risk of contagion with corona virus, which is the greatest danger now, but we cannot neglect our diet and physical exercise.

Isolation complicates the provision of food and meals. In addition, by spending so many hours indoors, we tend to eat excessively at times other than those stipulated. This dietary change can affect the body.

We would have to maintain a balanced diet as much as possible. The use of routines with schedules will also help us to eat better, trying to respect breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.

With exercise we have another risk factor, especially cardiovascular, that we can neglect if we are not vigilant. Lack of activity for long periods of time leads to weight gain, joint stiffness and alterations in blood circulation.

You can do indoor physical exercise as a family, too. You should adapt to current circumstances, taking advantage of the routines that exist to exercise with your own body weight.

Hygiene during the quarantine period

Hygiene within the home is essential. It is one of the measures to combat the pandemic and decrease the rate of infections.

Handwashing of all household members is key. Although none of them go outside, use soap when handling food and when entering and leaving the bathroom.

Recommendations are to clean the house with bleach. The suggested ratio is one part bleach to 49 parts water. With that solution they can clean the floors and some other parts of the furniture. Washing clothes and dishes must be in hot water of at least 60 ºC.

A particular situation in this period of quarantine will occur in those homes where one of its members suffers from a diagnosed corona virus. This person will have to be in isolation in a private room, with their own dishes and towels. If you circulate around the house you must do it more than a meter away from the rest and with a suitable mask.

The quarantine period is temporary

We are living through difficult times, and the recommendations to pass the quarantine period are only an aid that must be combined with our will. We have to understand that this isolation is temporary, that one day it will end and that, possibly, we will be stronger by the experience if we know how to take advantage of it.

Don’t forget to SHARE the corona virus recommendations during the quarantine period with your friends and family on your social networks!