The diabetes foot problems can be mild or severe, so you need to know the symptoms and recognize them on time to prevent complications.
So that it does not result in major consequences, it is essential that we monitor the extremities and control any small wound, since the loss of sensitivity and the lack of circulation can be fatal.
Diabetes today affects many people in the world. One of the most famous complications associated with this condition is called diabetic foot.
This consists of an infection of the deep tissues of the foot, which is related to neurological alterations or different degrees of peripheral vascular disease (disorders of the circulation). Then we tell you all about the diabetes foot problems.
Wagner classification of diabetic foot
Dr. Wagner et al. Made a classification for this complication according to the degree of complexity of the lesion presented.
Grade 0: absence of ulcers in a high risk foot.
1 Grade: superficial ulcer that compromises the entire thickness of the skin but not underlying tissues.
2 Grade: deep ulcer, penetrating even ligaments and muscles but does not compromise the bone or the formation of abscesses.
3 Grade: deep ulcer with cellulitis or abscess formation, almost always with osteomyelitis.
4 Grade: localized gangrene.
5 Grade: extensive gangrene that compromises the entire foot.
Gangrene is the rotting of dead tissue. In this stage, the affected area gives off a very unpleasant odor. Keep in mind that this disease is fatal if it is not treated immediately.
In severe cases, where foot infection has become widespread and with the intention of safeguarding life, the doctor decides to amputate the affected limb. Therefore, special care is required in diabetic patients to avoid this situation.
Why diabetes foot problems appear?
A person with diabetes, in addition to all the problems caused by the disease, usually has circulation problems and loss of sensibility in the members. The secretion of normal sweat and natural lubrication of the skin is also affects the foot of a diabetic.
What the previous paragraph says makes it difficult to perceive the moment when an injury could occur, with the consequent infection of the wound. The early detection of any injury is very important.
Diabetic foot is a complication of the disease, but not all diabetic people suffer from this condition.
In case the infection is treated through antibiotics, poor circulation plays a transcendental role since, due to difficulties with blood flow, the medication cannot reach the compromised area correctly.
Your doctor will choose the appropriate way to treat an existing injury trying to stop its evolution to prevent an amputation, with all the emotional burden involved. But in serious cases there is no other option.
A small wound can evolve into a big problem. The loss of sensitivity in many cases prevents the person from perceiving that they have been hurt.
For this reason, check at least 3 times a week that the area of the feet and nails do not present any lesion, even if it seems to be the least. In case the patient is of a fairly old age, he should request a family member to inspect them.
Humidification is of course vitally important. Dry skin is more likely to crack and become a gateway for germs that can cause an infection. Use moisturizing creams (avoiding between the fingers) and perform massages to increase blood flow in the area is very beneficial.
Proper hygiene of the foot and nails is also appropriate, avoiding the appearance of fungi. You should dry your feet carefully especially between the fingers.
Regarding the use of footwear
It is advisable to use appropriate footwear, neither very fair nor very broad, in addition to not walking barefoot. If possible, you should use shoes each day. On the other hand, the fingers should not be tight and the heel area should not cause injuries.
Before placing them on the inside check that there is nothing that can hurt, from a thick seam to a foreign body. Avoid very tall or pointed shoes.
Use stockings of an absorbent material to keep the feet dry and free of fungus. They should not be tight in the area of the fingers or the ankle, to prevent injuries and not aggravate existing circulation problems.
In this case, the best treatment is the prevention of foot injuries. Diabetes is unfortunately deteriorating the body of the sufferer. Therefore preventing complications is the best choice. A small lesion on the nails or foot can evolve into a serious infection. And as we have already seen, this can end in an amputation.
Taking care of the feet, controlling the blood glucose level, visiting the doctor on a regular basis and following a special diet is essential so that those suffering from diabetes can lead a harmonious life free of complications, such as diabetes foot problems.
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