Cut These Foods From Your Diet According To Your Blood Type!

A diet according to your blood type is the most effective one. Look at the recommendable foods and try incorporating them more in your diet. You’ll notice the results in a few days!

diet according to your blood type

Blood type diets have been the hottest topic for years. Many researchers and medics have been trying to convince people with proven facts that this diet actually works. This is because what we eat is closely related to our blood type and people’s organisms work differently. Comparing their research and essays, we’ve compiled a list of foods that they agree on for each blood type. Look at your blood type and see which diet according to your blood type you should follow.

A diet according to your blood type

If you have blood type A, you should definitely avoid eating meat and focus on eating fruits and vegetables. The recommended foods for you are: veggies, berries, apples, whole grains, nuts and soy. So, your blood type is definitely one of vegetarian way of life.

People with blood type B have the best digestive system, so they can enjoy eggs, dairy products and certain meat. They should avoid chicken, corn, seeds and wheat. So, if you have this blood type, you should focus on: fruits, red meat, fish, green veggies, eggs and turkey.

Blood type AB is a mixture of blood type A and B, so are the food recommended for this type. So, you should avoid corn, red meat and caffeine. What you should eat is: seafood, turkey, veggies, apples, bananas and fish.

Your blood type is O. You should eat high-protein foods, specific veggies and meat and fish. You should avoid dairy and grains, as well as beans. That being said, you should eat more chicken and turkey, seafood, broccoli, spinach and kale. You should stay away from lentils, dairy and eggs.

Note: As we said, people organisms work differently. So, while trying a diet according to your blood type, bear in mind that it might not work for you. Try incorporating these foods more in your diet, but don’t be disappointed if you don’t get good results. Sometimes, for different reasons, this diet doesn’t work and in this case, you should consult a nutritionist.