Everyone has plaque and black tar on teeth, depending on which level. Eliminate them using a simple and natural remedy!
Oral health is one of the most important things that every person should always keep in mind daily. However, is one of the most ignored unfortunately. Carelessness in the mouth and teeth is quite crucial to overall health.
No one ever things that everything that goes through the teeth goes through the digestive system as well, and cause serious illnesses, in addition to making the teeth sick.
If we maintain good oral health we can avoid terrible consequences such as: pain in the teeth and gums, inflammation, sensitivity to cold or heat, bad breath and more. Serious illnesses such as periodontitis, cavities, mouth sores, the onset of tartar and the falling of teeth can also occur. All this can happen in your mouth if you do not give the right care.
The dentist is the best option, but not everyone has the money or time to go there regularly. This is why we are going to share a natural remedy so you can combat these diseases, especially black tar on teeth, without going to the dentist. Protect your teeth, eliminate tartar and plaque and improve oral health with this wonderful natural remedy.
Natural remedy to eliminate black tar on teeth
The ingredients you need are the following:
- Baking soda
- Toothbrush
- Hydrogen peroxide (a little bit)
- Salt
- Water
- Cup
- Toothpick
- Antiseptic mouthwash
In a glass, mix the baking soda (one tablespoon) and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
Wet the toothbrush with warm water and then dip it into the bowl with the mixture. Brush your teeth and then spit. Do it for 5 minutes.
In a cup, mix the hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 cup of warm water and rinse the mouth for one minute. Spit and then rinse with 1/2 cup of cold water.
Remove the black tar on teeth with a toothpick and rinse mouth with antiseptic mouthwash.
As recommendations, do the following:
– Beware of the stick so you do not hurt your gums
– Repeat the procedure three times a week
– Try not to eat spicy things while applying this remedy.
– Remember to add just a little of hydrogen peroxide.
– And most of all visit your dentist once or twice a year.
Read more: 7 Mouth Hygiene Mistakes You’re Making
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