Prolonged nasal congestion causes discomfort when the mucous membranes of the nose become inflamed due to the germs and allergens. Eliminate it now!
Nasal congestion can be caused by several factors and can be so uncomfortable that many prevent you from developing your everyday activities.
When we feel nasal congestion we can predict that we will catch a cold, or other diseases of the respiratory tract. It can also cause allergies due to climate changes, pollution, and other factors. No matter what causes nasal congestion, this prevents us from breathing normally and can produce very strong headaches.
Main causes of nasal congestion
We must know the causes of congestion to give a solution and use the best remedy to combat it.
Climate change: A sudden change of climate can cause a drop in the defenses or trigger allergies. In the same way, nasal congestion appears immediately after a stream of air.
Colds: This is one of the main causes, when we have a cold, our nose is irritated and sneezes frequently appear.
Allergies: People are affected with different types of allergies that cause prolonged nasal congestion. Different factors produce allergies, for example, many people are allergic to pollen, dust, animal hair, chalk, etc. This type of congestion is produced because the lungs try to close themselves to protect themselves from the foreign agents that are trying to get into. In this situation sneezing is more frequent and more aggressive.
If we know what causes congestion, it will be easier to identify a way to get rid of it. If possible, we must combat the cause to eliminate the symptom. However, this is very difficult to achieve.
But although it is a bit difficult, there is an option that helps us eliminate prolonged nasal congestion in a minute. It is something simple and natural, and since you know it you will not want to return to the use of drugs to combat this problem.
How to eliminate prolonged nasal congestion quickly?
Although it sounds a little incredible, this fact is true, thanks to a technique of acupressure that we get thanks to traditional Chinese medicine. This simple technique is perfect to improve different types of pains, which at the same time allows us to decongest the nostrils.
Acupressure is a very functional technique that consists of pressing certain points of the body with the fingertips, so as to press and release the area. This exercise has to be done three times a day.
Pressure point 1: This point is located above the bridge of the nose, right in the middle of the eyebrows. What you have to do is make a slight pressure on this part for 1 minute. This particular point serves to prevent the paranasal sinuses from becoming inflamed and drying.
Point 2: It is located at the bottom of the nostrils. Using our fingertips, at the bottom of the nostrils, push gently with circular motions. Repeat 10 consecutive times.
Third point: This point is in the lobe of the ear. Massage gently 10 times.
Point 4: This point is just behind the earlobe at the bottom, just under the cartilage. Press and release 10 times, without exerting any pressure directly on the cartilage.
Pressure point 5: This point is on the cheeks, just below the pupil of the eye. Press up and release. This point helps you release the sinuses to combat prolonged nasal congestion.
Read more: Eliminate Chronic Sinus Inflammation Symptoms Quickly With This Simple Method
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