You Experience Gas Pass And Flatulence? You Have A Serious Illness!

If you have flatulence and gas pass all the time, you might be suffering from a serious illness and you’re not aware of it. BEWARE!

Flatulence or gas pass is really embarrassing when they appear unannounced. Not only by the sound but by the smell as well, and also because it is very frowned upon. These are due to the work of our intestines when digesting certain types of food, causing certain gases to accumulate in the digestive system and be expelled in a very sonorous and odorous way by the anus.

We have all been influenced by a certain type of food that causes flatulence. At the same time that we experience gas pass, we get embarrassed. This is why it is quite normal for us to think that flatulence and gas are very common.

However, when there is a constant frequency of these, it can turn out to be a problem much bigger than many imagine. Excessive flatulence can be a symptom of other diseases.

Among the most common foods that cause flatulence we can mention the following ones: enriched with yeast or carbonated as well as those containing lactose, such as beans, onions, fungi, cheeses, among others. By consuming hard-to-digest foods rich in polysaccharides, you increase the production of flatulence and, in turn, increase the gas pass by the anus.

What happens when there is gas pass and flatulence in the body

The presence of gases in the body is normal when they occur in minimal or “normal” measures. But when this is exceeded, it may be the sign of a larger problem. If these gases are accompanied by: abdominal inflammation, extremely unpleasant odor, lack of control at the time of gas expulsion or flatulence and are always accompanied by colic or severe abdominal pain; the problem may be greater.

Among the most common diseases, we can mention:

  • Intestinal infection
  • Malabsorption syndrome
  • Permeable bowel syndrome
  • Lack of enzymes necessary for the digestion of certain foods
  • Intolerance to certain foods

For this reason we must be quite aware of the signals that our body gives us. Anything strange, we should go to the doctor right away.

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