In Case You Experience Eye Twitch Spasm, You Should Follow These 4 Tips And The Tics Will Stop!

An eye twitch spasm or tic happens due to various factors. See how to eliminate it using these 4 simple tips that will also improve your health!

An eye twitch spasm is an involuntary contraction that occurs when the muscles of the eyelid contract in a repetitive and rhythmic way.

The causes are in the state of stress that the person experiences, the fatigue and tiredness of which they may be victims, the consumption of stimulants such as coffee or chocolate, inadequate nutrition and dehydration.

The duration of this nervous tic can be maintained even weeks, more if the person is in a state of stress, excessive tiredness and abuse of caffeine.

It usually occurs in the form of repetitive and uncontrollable contractions or spasms of the eyelid, more or less noticeable by an external observer, usually affecting the upper eyelid.

Further info: When Your Eyes Are Itchy, Do Anything But Rub Them! Here Are 5 Consequences Of Rubbing Eyes!

There is no specific treatment against this pathology, however, experts advise the following instructions to get rid of and prevent this problem.

Eliminate the eye twitch spasm using these tips!

1.- Relax

The less stressed you are, the less likely you are to get an eye twitch spasm. Doctors believe that stress is one of the most influential factors in the appearance of myoquimia. And also, stress intensifies the tremor and makes it more unbearable.

2.- Sleep

As much as it seems obvious, lack of good sleep at night can cause huge havoc on your body, especially in the eyes. Having to focus the eyes each day is a very hard task for the eye muscles and eventually they become tired, just like every other muscle in the body after prolonged exercise. Not getting enough sleep adds more stress and tiredness to the entire human body, so rest your eyes as much as you can.

3.- Drink more water

Water, of course. Dehydration is another crucial factor in the appearance of numerous health problems. The human body is composed of about 70% water and all cells and organs need water to function well. The eye is no exception. If you do not have enough water in your body, tremors may occur. Just as an engine needs oil, the body needs water. If the engine does not have enough oil, the parts will rub too much, wear out faster, and produce unforeseen sounds and movements. You can even break it. Exactly the same happens with the eye.

4.- Avoid caffeine

If you really have problems with eye tic, eliminate or considerably limit the caffeine in your daily diet, since this substance can induce them. Caffeine causes the body to produce serotonin and norepinephrine, two chemicals that stimulate the nervous system, making eye twitches even more intense. Alcohol and tobacco can also influence the intensity of tic. That is why you should lead a lifestyle and not provoke the nervous system without necessity.

These factors are the most frequent and you can eliminate them without major difficulty. However, there are more causes that can induce tremor. If this is a problem that often comes up, there are medications that can help. It is best to see a doctor if the tremor is frequent and annoying.

Don’t forget to SHARE the reasons why eye twitch spasm occurs and the steps to eliminate it with your friends and family on your social networks!