Body Fungi Classification, Symptoms And Treatments! – Get Informed!

Find out all about fungi classification, what symptoms appear and what to do to treat them naturally just by reading this article! Find out now!

According to several sources, there are about 200 million species of fungi around the world. Many of them can directly affect humans. When it is found in people, it is known as mycosis that can be both internal and external.

In case of attacking the nails, skin or other external area, it is called superficial mycosis. When the fungus is in the blood or some internal organ, it is called deep or systemic mycosis.

People who have the weak defenses are the most prone to receive mycosis. That’s why we want to talk about a very useful natural remedy to combat fungus regardless of type. But before that, we will talk to you about the fungi classification and what their effects are.

Fungi classification


This is not a species of fungus, but a genus with more than 200 species. These can reach both the skin and mucous membranes. Specifically, it attacks the oral cavity, female genitalia and esophagus. However, their favorite zones are the areas where we sweat most. These include armpits, groin, interdigital areas, etc.


This fungus includes 3 species: Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. All species are transmitted both by humans and by infected animals. It feeds in keratin, present in hair, nails and skin. When it is on the feet, its name is the athlete’s flame and on the nails its name is onychomycosis.

Tinea versicolor

Malassezia Furfur or Orbiculare Pitysporum can usually be found in yeast. This type of fungus is characterized by the appearance of brown spots on the chest, shoulders, neck and back. Its breeding time is in the middle of summer.

What to do?

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the kitchen products with multiple applications. In addition to using to prepare a wide variety of dishes, you can use it as a natural remedy. Its medicinal properties can be of great benefit.

Especially when it comes to combating fungi, apple cider vinegar is extremely useful. It can combat dermatitis, weak immune system, candidiasis and even dandruff. If you want to know how to use it for this purpose, pay attention to the following indications.

Remedy to fight fungi

To begin, mix the vinegar with dressing for salads, pickles, cold tomatoes and gazpacho and a cold vegetable. Consume it every day as you prefer. With it you will fight the infections of the mucosa caused by fungi.

When it comes to deep or systemic fungus, you should ingest the vinegar. The correct way to do it is to dissolve 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass with water. By taking it daily you will fight the internal fungus and purify your organism.

If it is an external or superficial fungus, you should use it topically. For this, you should mix equal parts of vinegar with 70% ethyl alcohol. Apply the substance in the affected area and the fungus disappears. If you do not have alcohol, you can apply it pure in the desired area with the help of a dropper.

In this simple way you can use apple cider vinegar to combat the fungus. We encourage you to implement these tips and notice the results.

Further info: Here’s How To Get Rid Of Odor, Fungi And Bacteria From Your Intimate Parts!

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