Get Rid Of Psoriasis Flakes With These Natural Recipes

Psoriasis flakes can be so annoying but painful as well. Get rid of them using only natural recipes that will make you forget you once had them!

One of the most terrible diseases that happen to the skin and that is transmitted through inheritance, mainly in men, is known as psoriasis. This consists in the appearance of a certain amount of flakes that become inflamed and tend to thicken, these are aesthetically horrible and in some cases, cause severe pain.

However, this disease is not contagious or, at least science cannot still prove that it is. So, if you see that someone suffers from this terrible disease and comes in touch with. your skin, you do not have to worry, since it is very unlikely that you get psoriasis.

One of the causes, in fact the most important of all, is that this disease is generated by a defect in the immune system, which is affected by different external factors such as stress, weather effects or the intake of certain drugs.

When we refer to the areas where they usually appear we can mention: knees, scalp, back, elbows, hands, abdomen and nails. In some cases it causes burning, itching or pain.

Homemade recipes to combat psoriasis flakes

Aloe Vera gel

For its properties as a soothing, you should cut a little, then let it dry and then apply it in the shoots.

Apple vinegar

You should dilute one cup of vinegar in 3 liters of water, then apply to the skin and take advantage of the anti-inflammatory effects. If you have nails or hands, just try to submerge them.

Sodium bicarbonate

Detoxify your colon and lose 6 kilos in 2 weeks by taking this powerful homemade shake

Mix 1 ½ baking soda in 9 cups of water, then wipe a cloth and apply on the skin.

Olive oil

For psoriasis on the scalp, you should soak your hair with olive oil.

For other recommendations we can mention: eat fish at least twice a week, add liver to the diet to eliminate toxins, drink a glass of water every two hours, consume some vitamin D supplement, consume the fiber that your body needs.

Read more: Fade Striae And Scars, And Treat Other Skin Problems Using Honey

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