A Giant Blood Clot During Period – Causes & Solutions

You’ve got a giant blood clot during period? Don’t panic right away. Some blood clots are common, but inform yourself on all the causes and solutions.

Blood clots during menstruation are common. In general, they respond to transient hormonal changes, but in some cases, when you get a giant blood clot during period, it might require medical control. In this article we explain its most frequent causes.

Blood clots during menstruation cause concern among women. Before his appearance, fear is common to think that he is suffering from a very serious pathology.

However, it is good to know that, usually, blood clots during menstruation are of hormonal origin. As such, once the hormonal imbalance has passed, menstruation returns to normal.

It is also true that there are times when more intensive control is required. With less prevalence, blood clots during menstruation may be a warning of uterine pathologies.

Remember that we call the event menstruation through which the endometrium is detached outwards. The endometrium is the innermost layer of the uterus and cyclically, if there is no pregnancy, it follows to begin the formation of a new layer.

The detachment is what manifests externally with bleeding. Under regular conditions, the bleeding is red without clots, progressive onset.

On the other hand, let’s also remember that clots are the mechanism with which the human body stops bleeding. Before an injury or the possibility of abundant blood loss, the clot tries to stop the process.

Clots, in whatever organ they form, are usually darker than fluid blood and jelly-like consistency. They are formed under the appearance of a small ball that agglutinates the blood elements.

When blood clots appear during menstruation, it is assumed that the body forms them for some cause. Coagulated menstrual bleeding becomes darker and, of course, less fluid.

Uterine causes of a giant blood clot during period

The causes located in the uterus that cause blood clots during menstruation are:

Uterine polyps: Polyps are formations of tissue that protrude into the uterine cavity. They modify the endometrium by pushing it and obstruct the outflow of menstrual blood. Clots are formed by the blood that remains retained inside the uterus for longer.

Adenomyosis: when the uterus muscle enlarges because of other surrounding tissues that invade it, something similar happens with polyps. The modification of the endometrium and the obstruction at the exit conclude in clots.

Endometriosis: is a pathology where endometrial tissue grows in organs other than the uterus. As it is an endometrial disease, a symptom may be blood clots during menstruation.

Uterine hypertrophy: the uterus may enlarge in size due to physiological causes or diseases. A normal and expected reason for its enlargement is pregnancy and the months after delivery. With more endometrial surface and more space to accumulate blood, clots can form spontaneously.

Abortions: pregnancy losses include the expulsion of clots vaginally as if it were a menstruation. Although it is not strictly a usual menstrual cycle, if it happens very early in pregnancy, the dates tend to overlap and cause confusion.

Extrauterine causes of blood clots during menstruation

There are situations that exceed the uterine organ as such and are systemic or external. These conditions that can lead to the appearance of blood clots during menstruation, can be:

Hormonal changes: the most frequent and benign cause. In general, it solves only with the passage of time, without the need for medical intervention.

Coagulation diseases: when a woman suffers from a hematological pathology linked to blood clotting, her menstruation is affected. A common example is von Willebrand disease. Although it is a deficit of coagulation, producing heavy bleeding stores blood in the uterus that coagulates later.

Intrauterine device: known worldwide as an IUD, this contraceptive method has blood clots among its adverse effects during menstruation. If the adverse effects are persistent and alter the quality of life, the IUD should be removed.

Anemia: It has been scientifically established that anemia is the cause of blood clots during menstruation. A vicious circle generates in the woman who suffers from it. Abundant menstruation leads to anemia due to iron loss, which leaves less iron available in the body. Without that adequate iron, the uterus reduces its clotting power, increasing the amount of blood lost.

When to consult the doctor

Most women with blood clots during menstruation will not require medical consultation. Anyway, there are alarm signs that should lead to the consultation. Among these signs we have:

  • Frequent recurrence of a menstruation with clots.
  • Accompaniment of severe pain in the pelvic region or abdomen.
  • Presence of vaginal discharge with change in color or smell.

If in doubt, you should consult a doctor or specialist. It is preferable to analyze the characteristics of menstrual blood and rule out anemia in time. Complex complementary methods are not necessary to arrive at the diagnosis.

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