How to Know If You Have a Thyroid Problem – 7 Major Signs

How to know if you have a thyroid problem if no vivid signs are present on your body? There are 7 major signs that you can notice, so find out all about them on time!

The thyroid is a gland that intervenes in various metabolic processes, therefore, any deficit generates alterations. We tell you about the disorders it causes.

Thyroid diseases have a wide range of symptoms and associated disorders that usually have a serious impact on the quality of life of the patient, to a greater degree, women.

Fortunately, there are treatments for most. However, it must be said that these are usually quite long and even for life. On the other hand, it is possible that at some point patients require some surgical intervention to improve their quality of life.

Likewise, the thyroid gland regulates infinite metabolic processes and any deficiency or excess of the thyroid generates alterations that can be confused with other diseases. For example, tiredness or sudden weight gain. How to know if you have a thyroid problem, then?

Let’s see below what the disorders are associated with thyroid diseases to understand the importance of paying attention to certain signs and discussing them with the doctor during the check-up.

How to know if you have a thyroid problem?

  1. Constipation, digestive problems or irritable colon

When there is a hormonal imbalance, it is common to go through times when you experience periods of poor digestion or even outbreaks of irritable colon. However, it is also possible to detect what type of alteration the thyroid suffers through the associated symptoms:


  • Constipation.
  •  Poor absorption of nutrients.
  •  Indigestion.


  • Diarrhea.
  • Occasional vomiting.
  • Pain in the pit of the stomach.
  • Abdominal distension.
  1. Problems with menstruation and possible infertility

Menstruation irregularities are common in patients with thyroid disease.

In the case of hypothyroidism, menses are usually more painful and longer.

Women with hyperthyroidism, meanwhile, tend to have shorter periods, as well as less frequent, and may have an early menopause.

Out of all the disorders associated with thyroid disease, this is the most serious one. Therefore, it is essential to go to the doctor so that she can make a diagnosis in time and offer the most appropriate treatment.

  1. Muscle and joint problems

This is one of the most common problems of thyroid diseases, but at the same time one of the least known. People with hypothyroidism, regardless of age or sex, often experience persistent joint and muscle pain. It is such an acute discomfort that we may be misdiagnosed, such as fibromyalgia.

However, this symptomatology usually reduces significantly with treatment. Also, people with thyroid problems often develop carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as plantar fasciitis.

For their part, people with hyperthyroidism usually show pain and weakness in the arms and legs.

  1. High cholesterol

Thyroid dysfunction has a major impact on lipids, as well as other cardiovascular risk factors. Hypothyroidism is associated with an unfavorable effect on lipids and is pretty common. Thyroid problems don’t make bad or LDL cholesterol rise, but it does make it more resistant.

It is something that is usually seen when, certain patients, fail to reduce their high cholesterol level neither with diet, nor with exercise, nor with statins. When this occurs, we are dealing with a person suffering from hypothyroidism. For its part, a very low cholesterol level can indicate a case of hyperthyroidism.

  1. Rest disorders due to thyroid diseases

One of the aspects that most affect the quality of life of patients with thyroid diseases is the poor condition of rest. However, it is not precisely that they sleep less. Sometimes, even if the person has slept 10 hours, they get up tired, without strength.

Sometimes this tired feeling makes the patient need to take naps or even entire weekends. It is quite serious. In other cases, the person may lie down and feel that they cannot fall asleep because they suffer from tachycardia, high nervousness or anxiety.

  1. Changes in the skin

In addition to hair loss, it is common to experience striking skin changes. Hypothyroidism can make the skin look rougher, drier, and more flaky, especially on the heels, knees, and elbows.

With hyperthyroidism, meanwhile, the skin can become fragile and very sensitive to changes in temperature.

  1. Depression and anxiety

Hypothyroidism caused by an underactive thyroid may have as a side effect an alteration in neurotransmitters. The decrease in serotonin or dopamine causes depression.

When a patient with a depressive disorder shows resistance to psychotropic drugs, it is common for them to have a problem with the thyroid.

What to do before these symptoms of thyroid diseases?

As you have been able to verify, some symptoms such as low mood, poor night rest or joint pain, may be due to thyroid diseases that have not yet been diagnosed or have not been effectively treated.

In any of these cases, it is advisable to see a specialist to ensure a proper diagnosis and to treat the problem as quickly as possible.

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