Women’s care is something every woman takes care of in the gynecologist’s office. Forget about that and treat your women problem at home with this tea!
Years before modern medicine developed and improved, women were still having women problems, right? They all had infections, bacteria, fungus and other illnesses related to their reproductive organs. Then how were they managing to survive without medication?
The secret to women’s care from long, long ago is Lady’s Mantle. Lady’s Mantle is a herb that was used for generations for treating lady’s problems.
Lady’s Mantle health benefits and use
This herb is insanely rich in tannin, which has styptic and astringent properties that are extremely helpful in women health concerns. It stops internal bleedings, topical bleedings from a wound and prevents intestinal issues.
It can be used both internally, so as a tea or spice, or externally as a cream.
Women’s care with Lady’s Mantle
Women intestinal issues start with imbalance of pH levels. This happens with the food and drinks you’re consuming; some of them significantly influence the pH levels balance.
This is where Lady’s Mantle comes at play. Lady’s Mantle helps you keep the normal pH balance when drank as tea. Its astringent properties make it incredibly useful when it comes to treating fungus and bacteria and pH level balancing.
Menstrual cramps
In addition, if you take just 1 ounce of this tea and boil it with 1 pint of water, you’ll get rid of menstrual cramps and heavy blood flow. What you need to do is prepare the tea, leave it steep for 20 minutes and strain. You could drink up to 3 cups, not more; this tea is pretty strong so you don’t want to overuse it. You’ll see that 2 cups will be enough for the pain to be relieved.
Also, you could use Lady’s Mantle for treating one of the most difficult women problem: conception. When you need a conception aid, drink this tea for 20 days. When these days go by, try conceiving. You’ll get lucky, for sure. All you need to do is put 2 tablespoons of Lady’s Mantle in a cup of boiled water and wait for the standard 20 minutes.
Moreover, if you’re in the phase of menopause, you should use this tea the same way as stated previously for menstrual pain. By drinking it up to 3 times a day, it will help you alleviate all the unbearable symptoms and pain you might be experiencing.
External use
Women’s care using Lady’s Mantle does not end here. You could use its extract and prepare yourself a useful cream for treating vaginal itching or the impossible discharges. Just mix Lady’s Mantle leaves with olive oil, and leave it steep for a few days. After that, mix the ointment with rosewater, approximately 20ml of it, and your cream is ready. You should apply it and let it stay overnight. You’ll see how you won’t have problems during the night and in the morning you’ll be aware of the pain and itching relief.