10 Insulin Resistance Symptoms And 3 Ways To Cope With It!

There are insulin resistance symptoms that you should recognize in order to make some life changes and cope with it. See which are they and act on time!

How to diagnose insulin resistance? In fact, the tests that doctors can provide are usually associated with false positives or false negatives. Here’s a list of the 4 most common tests prescribed by doctors:

Waist circumference. This is the simplest test, you can diagnose insulin resistance by waist size; if greater than 35 inches, you are likely to get diagnosed with insulin resistance.

Fasting glucose levels. If your blood sugar level is greater than 75-100mg / dl after a couple of hours when you wake up, you are likely to have insulin resistance.

Insulin levels fasting. Instead of glucose, this test evaluates insulin levels in the blood after fasting; if your insulin level is greater than 10uIU / ml, you may have insulin resistance.

Glucose tolerance testing. Additionally, this test requires several blood tests for one day; taking into account that the glucose tolerance test is usually done if the doctor suspects hypoglycemia or diabetes.

10 insulin resistance symptoms

  1. Feeling of being addicted to carbohydrates. Cravings for sweet, salty or crunchy food.
  2. Nervousness, headaches, difficulty thinking or nausea that disappears when eating.
  3. Hypoglycemia.
  4. Fatigue.
  5. A body mass index of over 30.
  6. Difficulty losing weight, even while exercising.
  7. Growth of flaccid skin on the chest, neck, breasts, groin or armpits.
  8. Irregular menstrual periods.
  9. History of polycystic ovaries.
  10. Family history of diabetes, overweight, triglycerides or high cholesterol.

Therefore, will give you the causes of insulin resistance  as well as the solutions.

The causes of insulin resistance are:

  • Slow liver and / or excess toxins.
  • Excess oxidative stress, aging or free radical production.
  • Consummation of processed foods, soft drinks and sugary drinks; foods with high fructose corn syrup; packaged low-fat foods; excessive use of sugar or fake honey.
  • Poor intake of proteins and / or poor quality proteins.
  • Inadequate intake of poor quality fats and / or inflammatory fats.
  • Little consumption of fiber.
  • Stress.
  • Sedentary or lack of exercise.

Consequently, all of these causes need to be changed. Here are some suggestions for that matter.

The solution for insulin resistance:

  1. Detoxify

The main thing to do to reduce the insulin resistance symptoms is to detoxify the liver. You can do this through the elimination of inflammatory fats and carbohydrates, while incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods into your diet.

  1. Metabolic exercise

Moreover, incorporating metabolic exercise balances macro-nutrients to restore the metabolically active tissue of your body.

  1. Changes in lifestyle

Improve your lifestyle and transform your habits to reverse the insulin resistance symptoms, i.e., you need to avoid bad choices for your body like alcohol, smoking, excessive stress or sleep deprivation. As a result, you’ll help your body recover.

Further info: Diabetics, Check This Out: You Can Use Cinnamon As A Natural Insulin Substitute And Source!

In conclusion, do the checkups and improve your lifestyle in order to prevent this condition whatsoever.

Don’t forget to SHARE the insulin resistance symptoms with your friends and family on your social networks.