Intestinal parasites in humans appear more often than you’d think. Check out these 7 natural remedies that will help you get eliminate them.
A parasite is an organism that lives at the expense of another of a different species, feeding on it and being able to cause significant damage or injury without providing any benefit. Roundworms, the most frequent parasites, are actually an infection caused by Enterobius vermicularis, a type of a worm.
This parasite is one of those responsible for most of the intestinal parasitic infections that occur in Spain and other neighboring countries. Specifically, in this infection, what happens is that, once it enters the digestive system through the mouth, the worm’s eggs hatch in the small intestine. In turn, the larvae continue to advance to the large intestine, where they transform into adults.
On the other hand, females travel to the rectum and anus, usually at night. This is where they lay their eggs, which adhere to the edges of the anus and the skin around it. The complete cycle lasts about a month.
Intestinal parasites in humans
These intestinal parasites are easily spread. The “transmission vehicles” of eggs, according to this study, are:
Children’s hands: since they usually scratch the affected area, due to the itchiness they feel. The eggs stick under the nails and the fingers can bring the eggs back to the mouth, starting the cycle again.
Different places in the house: the eggs can end up being deposited on different surfaces, where they can survive for up to two or three weeks, such as bedding, towels, kitchen utensils, toys and sand in parks.
This type of worms affect human beings, who are habitual hosts, they do not come from or develop in domestic animals, although they can be transmitters of other types of parasites.
Natural remedies to eliminate intestinal parasites?
We tell you some natural remedies, which could not only be used to eliminate these annoying intestinal parasites, but will also serve to help prevent them. It is worth noting that these alternatives obey the knowledge of popular wisdom and that to date, they have no scientific support.
However, the foods mentioned below are known to have some vitamins and minerals that could help prevent and / or eliminate parasites.
One of the remedies to deal with parasites and microorganisms that attack the intestinal flora are probiotics. In fact, there are foods rich in probiotics that help replenish the natural good bacteria in the intestinal flora. These foods include:
- Natural yogurt.
- Kefir.
- Dark chocolate.
- Pickled cucumbers.
- Miso soup.
- Fermented vegetables.
Papaya, due to its papain content, has vermifuge properties. We can use it in the following ways:
With apple cider vinegar. Crush the papaya and add a little apple cider vinegar, drink the mixture on an empty stomach.
With honey: in this case we mix one tablespoon of papaya juice with one of honey and two of water. Make sure you mix it well, and take a teaspoon of the mix on an empty stomach.
Pumpkin seeds
Thanks to cucurbitin, pumpkin has anthelmintic properties, prevents and eliminates intestinal parasites. Until the parasites disappear, make sure to consume a spoonful of pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach.
Milk, garlic, spearmint, wormwood and honey
With these ingredients, we make another home remedy that works well to help eliminate intestinal parasites. We prepare it by adding to a glass of milk, three crushed garlic cloves, a tablespoon of mint juice, one of absinthe juice and another of honey. Take a quarter of a glass on an empty stomach.
It is a plant with very mild active ingredients such as thymol and eucalyptol, with vermifuge properties, making it ideal for children. Make sure you boil it with water, to make an infusion, and in the case of children, administer two tablespoons three times a day.
It is an excellent plant to use if you have problems with intestinal parasites. You must crush it into a powder, and take one gram a day with a bit of honey.
Thyme infusions can help to expel worms in children. Prepare an infusion with a tablespoon of thyme per cup of water. Take it three times a day.
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