Do You Know The Difference Between A Normal And A CANCEROUS Birthmark? This Graphic Could Save Your Life!

A normal and a cancerous birthmark are pretty different but you’ll need to know the signs in order to recognize this difference. Look at the graphic!

Summer is a fantastic time to enjoy, but unfortunately it is accompanied by the harmful rays of the sun. When we were young, we used to think we are invincible; but the damaging consequences faced by thousands of people are proof that, regardless of age, our skin remains vulnerable.

Melanoma is one of the most serious skin cancers in the world. It occurs when pigment-producing cells (cells that color the skin) become cancerous due to overexposure to the sun. This is when the birthmark you had all your life becomes cancerous birthmark. Luckily, if you detect melanoma early, it is very curable. But the longer you wait, these cancer cells can spread like wildfire. A person dies from melanoma every hour. Many will be surprised at the odds, so please be sure to keep these tips in mind to ensure a safe and enjoyable summer.

Tips to prevent cancerous birthmark


Contrary to popular belief, using sunscreen will not keep you protected throughout the day. Remember to apply a generous amount of protective cream at least every two hours.

Is it true that some sunscreens are harmful? Do not worry, almost all sunscreens will do their job without damaging your body.

However, sunscreens containing zinc nanoparticles or titanium dioxide have the ability to penetrate the skin and travel to the bloodstream. If the ingredients do not show signs of these nanoparticles, then you can rest easy.


Do you have short hair or no hair? Remember that area must be covered! Sometimes it’s easy to forget this part of the body, so be sure to wear a hat. A wide brimmed hat is the best way to combat annoying UV rays.

Avoiding tanning beds

Hopefully this will explain itself, but many are still trying to achieve that golden glow. Artificial tanning still has harmful consequences for our skin.

Visiting a tanning salon once a year can triple the odds of getting skin cancer, so do yourself a favor and invest in a tanning cream instead.

The graphic

It is important to know the difference between a normal and a cancerous birthmark. The best way to do this is to check your skin frequently, and check that there are no notable changes. This diagram shows what to look for.

cancerous birthmark

Although skin cancer is the direct result of exposure to sunlight, remember that melanoma can grow anywhere in the body. This includes the soles of the feet, between the fingers and the nails.

Read more: Perfectly Natural, Safe, Painless And Scarless Mole Removal Using Just One Ingredient