Leg vein thrombosis is a common disease nowadays; see the main symptoms and prevent even more serious problems from happening to you!
At present, a large number of men and women suffer from leg vein thrombosis.
They may look very normal, but in many cases they tend to be dangerous, so we should not rely on whether they look small or large, it is imperative that we keep our eyes on them.
It is best to try to get help from a professional, and give them the respective followings from time to time to avoid a venous thrombosis.
As we all know, varices appear from poor circulation of blood, and in many cases this poor circulation, causes the blood to condense sometimes even create clots that could completely hamper circulation. For this reason we will show you how to prevent leg vein thrombosis and what symptoms usually appear, so you’ll always be alert.
What is vein thrombosis?
Thrombosis is a blood clot that originates in a particular vein of the body. This usually develops in very deep areas, where blood circulation is the worse; most often, it occurs on the muzzles and calves.
In the worst case, when thrombosis occurs in the legs, it can detach and go directly into the bloodstream, reaching a pulmonary artery and blocking our circulation and causing pulmonary embolism. It is a great risk that we must avoid.
In most cases, this condition usually affects people between the ages of fifty and sixty years of age, but this does not mean that because we are younger, we should overlook it, especially women.
Specialists explain that these clots, or thrombi, are usually more likely to come off if they are at the top, that is, our thighs. For this reason if you are there with more reason you must do periodic checkups to determine the best option, either a treatment or if the doctor decides that the best is surgery.
Symptoms of leg vein thrombosis
The first thing to know is that we can have two types of thrombosis, one superficial and one severe, which can undoubtedly cause us considerable damage. Observe these symptoms well, so be careful.
- Superficial venous thrombosis: As the specialists tell us, if you suffer from this stage of thrombosis, you would notice immediately, because the place where the varice is located would look like a kind of string quite hard when you touch it and with a bluish color. It is quite visible and of course very painful. You also feel the affected area very hot and at the end of the day you will feel a somewhat unbearable pressure. Therefore you must be very careful with this stage of superficial thrombosis, since it is the first step for a deep thrombosis, so we may suffer from infections or mostly known as Phlebitis.
- Deep venous thrombosis: The symptoms of deep venous thrombosis include:
- An almost unbearable heat in the affected area.
- The leg usually becomes very hard when we touch it with the hand; it is very rigid.
- A very high pressure in that part where you have these varices which are more evident; with inflammation and reddish color in the form of “bluish cord.”
- Be very careful when the skin of the leg turns bluish, or even runs out of color, very pale. The latter would be a result of the fact that the arterial blood is already very difficult.
- A tingling that goes up the leg to the groin.
Can you prevent venous thrombosis?
Something you should know is that for the most part, this pathology of varicose veins almost always has a genetic origin. The hereditary factor and many incorrect life habits, sedentarism, and inadequate food and overweight, will undoubtedly make the perfect field for this disease to develop.
For this reason, as long as you see the appearance of leg vein thrombosis, this will be the moment when you should start doing everything you can so that this does not lead to superficial or deep thrombosis.
In case you already have primary venous thrombosis, and your veins have a very evident relief and a bluish color that is seen with the naked eye, it is time to start looking after you more and to go immediately to your doctor. Your doctor will tell you what is best for your case.
– Exercise every day; do it for half an hour, as this helps a lot. Swimming or cycling are also two very suitable options.
– Drink lots of liquids, natural juices and infusions like horsetail, charcoal or infusion of rosemary.
– Get cold showers on your legs.
– Avoid salt in your diet, as well as sugar, fats, soft drinks, pastries, refined white flour … That is, all those foods that are going to cause poor blood circulation.
– There is a very suitable plant to treat varicose veins with which very effective creams are made. It is the “horse chestnut”. You can find it in pharmacies and, as we have mentioned, it is very effective to treat those superficial varicose veins.
Read more: Get Rid Of Varicose Veins On Thighs Using This Natural Drink!
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