Menstrual Disorders Symptoms That You Should Recognize And Treat On Time!

Recognizing these menstrual disorders symptoms is essential for your overall health; see which are they and what you should pay attention to!

All women know or have ever experienced one or more alterations in the menstrual cycle. The menstrual problems can be grouped into two major branches: disorders in the cycle, referred to variations within the intervals, which are called frequency or rhythm disturbances. And also there are those that have to do with variations in the intensity of bleeding.

The causes of menstrual problems are multiple: they can be due to hormonal disorders, hereditary causes, diseases of the sexual organs, thyroid, liver, kidney, or diseases such as diabetes. There may also be irregularities in the menstrual cycle due to stress, psychological disorders, incorrect or insufficient feeding, and eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia and also in competitive sports.

When there is no apparent cause, or lack of menstrual cycle is not due to pregnancy, menstrual problems alert you to some abnormality or irregularity.

Menstrual disorders symptoms

1.- Premenstrual disorder:

  • sadness and crying;
  • feeling nervous or anxious;
  • feeling angry or irritable;
  • strong cravings for certain foods;
  • trouble paying attention or concentration;
  • fatigue;
  • physical problems such as breast pain, headaches, muscle or joint pain;
  • and swelling and sleeping problems are symptoms that can affect your relationships and your ability to work. If any of them manifest 10 to 14 days before your period and improve when you start, you may have one of the most common menstrual problems called PMS (premenstrual dysphoric disorder). Your gynecologist can help you determine for sure.

2.- Abnormal bleeding:

Because of structural abnormalities of the uterus, abnormal uterine bleeding may occur. Among the abnormalities we can find endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids or fibroids, endometriosis or the use of drugs that affect the normal production of estrogens and progesterone as contraceptives.

3.- Absence of menstruation:

The absence of menstruation or also called amenorrhea can occur for many reasons. Such are stress, excessive weight loss, or excessive increase of the same, polycystic ovarian syndrome, too much exercise, chronic illness, among others. Keep in mind that the only one who can diagnose any of the menstrual problems mentioned will be your gynecologist.

4.- Hormonal disorder:

Many times we believe that it is a coincidence that a few days before the menstrual cycle some preexisting conditions in our body, such as asthma, diabetes, arthritis among others. They manifest themselves with greater intensity than normal making us feel really bad. But it’s not like that. This occurs because of a phenomenon called premenstrual hormone augmentation. If you are having these menstrual problems, your gynecologist should prescribe medications to help you feel better.

5.- Excessive bleeding or long periods:

A bleeding that lasts more than 7 days, or is very abundant is called a excessive bleeding. If you need to change your tampon or hygiene towel in less than 2 hours you may be suffering from menorrhagia. Failure to treat heavy or prolonged bleeding can cause anemia. In addition, it may also be associated with tumors of the uterus that are not cancer (also known as myomas, polyps or fibroids). Other possibilities are cervical cancer, hyperplasia, among others.

6.- Intense cramps:

Cramps or pains that are sudden and very intense may be due to one of the most common menstrual problems, a condition called endometriosis. Endometriosis is one of the so-called progressive menstrual problems. This occurs when islets of uterine mucosa are implanted outside the uterus. Most of the time, the foci of endometriosis are in the pelvic area, on the peritoneum, in the ovaries, intestine or bladder, causing almost unbearable pain.

The gynecological control is fundamental for the prevention of any of the menstrual disorder symptoms that we present above. So if you have any doubts and you’re despairing, consult with the doctor and clear any doubts.

Further info: Get Rid Of Uterine Fibroids Naturally Using These Remedies!

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