See The Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms And Prevent Serious Consequences On Time!

Mild traumatic brain injury can be a consequence of a blow, fall or an accident. See the signs, attend to them on time and prevent terminal results!

One of the most dangerous blows you can get in the body is a blow to the head. The head is the center of operations of the whole body, so it is protected by a strong bone that we know as a skull.

It is common that in the course of our life, especially in the course of our child’s life, to fall or receive certain blows to the head when we play and so on. Many times these blows leave visible marks on our head, whether bumps, wounds or bruises. However, it is more dangerous when the blows are strong and there is no fully visible mark, as it may be affected somewhere inside, such as a concussion or skull fracture or mild traumatic brain injury.

First we must know what a concussion is. It turns out that this happens when there’s a certain movement inside our skull. The most common symptoms are: lightheadedness, loss of consciousness or memory, irritability, nausea and headaches. When we refer to a skull fracture it can be easy to recognize it, since the person has bleeding from the ears or nose, also the eyes turn purple, there is vomiting, bones feel to the touch, there is a quite recognizable bump and difficulty speaking.

Further info: 10 Habits Causing Brain Damage That You Should Not Ignore! CAUTION!

Symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury

When any of the above situations occur, it is advisable to attend the doctor. However, we must be aware of the situation if it worsens, so we must consider the following symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury:

  • Excessive discomfort: it is advisable to wake the patient every three hours to confirm that he can wake up.
  • Vomiting: It is common for these people to feel nausea or vomiting due to concussion. If they do not stop, they should see the doctor urgently.
  • Loss of memory: usually occurs because the patient repeats the same questions about the accident, without remembering that he has already been answered.
  • Headache: may last for hours.

It is more urgent when:

– One pupil is more dilated than another

– If you cannot speak normally

– Blurry vision

– Seizures occur

– Imbalance for walking


  • Not to expose to sun radiation
  • Do not take medicines without the doctor’s consent
  • To not consume alcoholic beverages
  • Do not expose yourself to visual stimulation

Don’t forget to SHARE the mild traumatic brain injury symptoms with your friends and family on your social networks!