Moles that can develop into malignant melanoma are scary and dangerous. Find out which moles are benign and which are malignant and save yourself from trouble!
Moles are very common in people and these are spots on the skin which usually appear during childhood and adolescence. These form from the action of cells which are responsible for producing the pigment of the skin, melanocytes. They are also called skin tags and have different forms; some appear flat or bulging, smooth or warty and their color also varies from dark, brown or black. And in many cases they usually have the same tone as our skin.
Usually most moles do not pose any danger, therefore there is no need to remove them. These moles are benign. Usually a person can have at least twelve moles but there are others which have more than a hundred of these spots on the skin. Many of them are mostly considered attractive by their texture and the places where they are located.
Moles that can develop into malignant melanoma or benign moles?
But it happens that when a mole changes its size or texture or color, it is important to go to the specialist and have a consultation immediately. You need to know whether yours are the moles that can develop into malignant melanoma or are benign moles. In this case the dermatologist will be the one who identifies if the mole is dangerous or not, since in many cases, when they are growing, they show burning, itchy pain and even small bleeding.
Dysplastic moles or otherwise called atypical moles, are the ordinary or most common moles, which can measure up to one centimeter; and their shape can vary as well as their color, this being from lighter to darker and with a pink background.
There are many people who have more than 100 atypical moles. These can appear even in advanced age and are located in any part of the body, especially in those places that regularly remain covered. In these cases most people who have relatives who have suffered from many atypical moles, have the possibility of developing a skin cancer, as these are hereditary. Therefore, you should take great care. That is why you should always use sunscreen, since the sun disengages them more.
How do you know if you moles are abnormal?
For this and more reasons it is primordial that you are able to identify what are the normal or abnormal moles to be able to examine them frequently and not let them happen to you, because nobody would like to suffer some skin cancer. So, you need to check whether your moles are benign or you have moles that can develop into malignant melanoma. Therefore you must have this data very pending:
- Suspicious moles have no symmetry, i.e. one of their halves is not the same as the other, so it can vary in size, color, shape and thickness.
- It is necessary to observe them well and see if the edges are fuzzy and irregular and do not have a defined shape.
- If the color is not similar throughout the mole, and it has several colors at the same time, that’s not good.
- The size of a melanoma is between six millimeters in diameter or smaller.
Therefore if you see some of these signs you should go to a dermatologist and check before it becomes something more serious or complicated.
Read more: HPV Caused And Sexually Transmitted Genital Warts Called Condyloma
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