The Best Natural Asthma Treatment Is Right Here! Check It Out!

Asthma treatment options vary, but they usually include medicines, inhaler and inhalations. However, you can opt for a natural one that you’ll see here.

One of the diseases that affects many people, regardless of age or sex, and is extremely dangerous if you do not take the necessary restrictions is asthma. It consists of a reaction of the body that causes the bronchi to close more than normal, making the action of breathing very difficult.

Asthma can be caused by certain factors, such as the following:

– it can be inherited (if a father suffers from asthma, the child can have the same),

– allergies to dust, mites, etc .;

– contaminated environmental factors;

– psychic factors that can commonly affect children with a certain characteristics;

– and infectious factors that may occur in children who have suffered bronchiolitis.

Among the main tips to prevent and reduce asthma symptoms, we can mention the following: maintain a normal weight, avoid smoking, stop eating spicy foods, practice sports like swimming and yoga, learn to breathe with the nose, do different breathing exercises with the diaphragm and exhale and inhale. Now, we will leave a list of natural asthma treatment options.

Natural asthma treatment options

  • In a bowl place two tablespoons of these oils: eucalyptus, pine, rosemary and marjoram. Then combine with two tablespoons of sunflower oil and apply it on the chest.
  • Cook 6 garlic and 2 carrots in a quart of soy milk, let them stay there until the carrots are tender, blend and drink a glass daily.
  • Boil 10 grams of valerian root in a liter of water for 15 minutes, then drink two or three cups a day.
  • Cut an apple into slices and pour boiling water over them, wait 20 minutes and then drink the water.
  • Press a wet and cold cloth on the forehead to eliminate the feeling of suffocation.
  • Mix: valerian, passionflower, melissa, linden, mistletoe, angelica and chamomile in equal parts, extract a teaspoon and pour it in boiling water; take the infusion three times a day.
  • Make an infusion with a pinch of rosemary, a pinch of orange blossom, a pinch of thyme and a pinch of serpol. Have a cup every morning.
  • Boil potatoes in chunks, and inhale the steam when they boil.

Read more: See How To Use Eucalyptus Oil For Asthma, Phlegm, Cough And Around The Home!

We hope these recipes are of great help to you. Do not hesitate to SHARE this valuable information about natural asthma treatment options with everyone on your social networks.