7 Possible Causes Of Cervical Cancer For You To Keep An Eye On! Beware!

The possible causes of cervical cancer can be numerous in truth, however, these are the most common ones. Check them out and be careful!

Cervical cancer is one of the cancers that most affects the female population worldwide.

It appears by the abnormal growth of the cells of the cervix, which happen to form tumors which can become malignant.

Despite the fact that today the medicine has facilitated its treatment and detection, it continues being the fourth cause of death by cancer among the women from 30 to 59 years of age.

Most cases are directly related to infections caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV); however, other causes that might have something to do have also been studied.

Taking into account that many have not received information on this, next we want to share in detail the 7 possible causes of cervical cancer. Discover them!

7 possible causes of cervical cancer

1. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

98% of precancerous lesions that result in cervical cancer are related to any of the types of Human Papilloma Virus.

Men are the carriers of the virus and transmit it to the woman through sexual intercourse.

So far, one of the most effective methods to prevent transmission is the vaccine. This vaccine is applied from 9 years to 45, in three doses.

2. Early initiation of sexual intercourse

The early onset of sexual life can be harmful to women because the uterus has not reached its highest degree of maturity, making it more susceptible to viruses and diseases.

Sex education from an early age is key to knowing about this type of risk and other health consequences.

3. Tobacco use

Excessive cigarette smoking is not only the leading cause of lung cancer, but also an influential factor in the appearance of other varieties of tumors.

Women who smoke every day are up to four times more likely to have cervical cancer compared to women who are not exposed to tobacco.

This is because the harmful substances of the tobacco trigger the accelerated growth of the cells until they become cancerous.

4. Prolonged use of oral contraceptives

Although the risks are minimal at present because of all the improvements in oral contraceptives, their consumption for more than five consecutive years increases the risk of this type of cancer.

5. Leading a sedentary lifestyle

Overweight women who lead a sedentary lifestyle are also more likely to suffer from this disease in adulthood.

The sedentary lifestyle causes problems of circulation of the blood and for that reason there is more risk of contracting the infection.

In addition to this, excess fat and toxins increase the proliferation of tumor cells, which worsens the condition.

6. Infection with chlamydia

Chlamydia is one of the common bacteria that can infect the female reproductive tract. This is transmitted through sexual contact and is one of the causes of infertility. It causes an infection in the system, the pelvis becomes inflamed and this can affect fertility.

On the other hand, blood tests show that women who have or had a chlamydia infection have a higher risk of cervical cancer.

In most cases, those affected by this bacterium do not present strong symptoms. But they usually detect it through a pelvic examination.

7. Family history

As with other types of cancers, the cervix cancer may be due to genetic conditions.

Women whose relatives had the disease are two to three times more likely to develop it than those with no history.

Several experts suspect that this family tendency is due to an inherited condition that makes the immune system less able to fight against HPV.

Continuous screening is the best way to prevent this disease.

Vaginal cytology (or Pap smear) and HPV test are key to detect it in its early stages.

Further info: 5 Human Papillomavirus Cervical Cancer Symptoms You’re Not Aware Of!

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