How To Prepare Carrots To End Cough And Phlegm In Your Throat

How to prepare carrots to end cough and phlegm in your throat? Very easy! Just follow our instructions and get rid of phlegmy cough!

prepare carrots to end cough and phlegm

Carrots are the best source of vitamins and minerals, giving them a very important role in our nutrition. They contain vitamin C, A, K and B-carotene, as well as many minerals such as iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese and calcium. That’s why doctors recommend eating carrots for better eye and bone health. However, carrots are very effective in treating colds and bronchitis, as well as asthma. They are especially important in ending coughs and phlegm coming out of your throat. So, whenever you notice phlegm, just make this natural carrot cure for getting rid of it. This cure is perfectly safe to give it to your kids, as well.

Prepare carrots to end cough and phlegm

What you need for this cure is: 1 lb of carrots and 4 teaspoons of honey. The method of preparation is pretty straightforward, but let’s go through it step by step.

First, you need to wash the carrots well, cut them into small pieces and put them in a pot with water. Boil them, get them out of the water, but keep the water aside, don’t throw it away. After the carrots are nicely boiled, put them in a blender or mash them with a fork. In the meantime, add the honey in that water that you boiled the carrots in. Mix it well, and add it to the already mashed carrots. Mix once again, and voila! You got yourself natural syrup for you and your kids.

Second thing you should know is that you need to keep this syrup in the fridge. You can use it whenever you feel you have the need because it’s perfectly safe (of course, it’s all-natural).

The last thing you should know is the dosage. You need to consume 3 to 4 tablespoons per day, whenever you want, either before or after meals. In only 1 day you’ll feel the difference; the second day, that phlegmy cough will disappear completely!