Prepare This Probiotic Sauerkraut Recipe To Fight Inflammation And Bad Bacteria

This probiotic sauerkraut recipe will help you stay healthy, boost your metabolism, fight inflammation and bad bacteria in just a few days!

There are foods that stimulate good bacteria growth which break down starch, sugar and lactose. The foods that make that possible, improving your digestion are fermented foods.

Fermented foods also fight bad bacteria and help your body absorb the essential nutrients. Consuming them often will save you from the risk of getting Escherichia Coli and C. difficile.

What are fermented foods actually? These include: kefir, lassi, sauerkraut, tempeh, yogurt, kombucha and raw pickles. Eating these often will boost the good bacteria or probiotic growth.

In fact, probiotic is the good bacteria that prevent digestive problems like inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. Having probiotics in your organism also help in vaginal issues treatment, dental health improvement and allergies. Reasons enough to intake more probiotics?

Unfortunately, this good bacteria or probiotic can disappear due to many factors, such as long antibiotic use. If you’re suffering from a chronic disease and you need to improve the good bacteria growth, you need to be consuming fermented foods more often than you’re used to.

For that cause, we’ll offer a probiotic sauerkraut recipe that fights all kinds of inflammations and eliminates bad bacteria. In addition, we’ll offer tips on how to keep it and how to consume it.

Probiotic sauerkraut recipe (1 gallon serve)


  • 1 tablespoon of caraway seeds
  • 5 pounds of shredded cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt

First, mix all the ingredients in a big bowl. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes and then transfer it into a large glass container with a lid.

Next, add a quartered onion on the top of the container to weight the mixture down and close the lid. Cover the lid with a paper towel, securing it with rubber band.

Keep the sauerkraut in a cool, dark place for 4 weeks. Check it once a week; if you see scum on the surface, remove it. 4 weeks after, transfer the sauerkraut in an airtight container so you can store it in the fridge. If you did everything right, you’ll be able to use it up to 6 months.

The more often you use it, the more energized and disease-free you’ll feel. So, enjoy this natural probiotic and care for your health!