The therapy for antisocial personality disorder is non-guaranteeing and the longest one of all personality disorders. See what this disorder is and how to treat it.
Antisocial personality disorder is one of many mental conditions that people around the world suffer from; and usually, they’re not even aware of it.
Although some parents notice strange behavior in their kids, they almost never want to admit to themselves that their kid might be facing a serious personality disorder.
The characteristics of people who have this disorder are: impulsive, reckless, manipulative and highly deceitful behavior, most often accompanied with criminal acts.
A person who has this disorder trusts no one, deceits everyone around them, has no remorse abot their actions, lacks concern about other people’s feelings etc.
One of the main and most serious characteristics of a person with antisocial personality disorder is delinquency. Even in early childhood, the person with this diagnosis shows signs of truancy. In addition, committing some small crimes at the beginning that later in life might end up becoming murders or rapings.
Most, if not all, of the people who develop this disorder have experienced childhood traumas, abuse or have not been treated psychologically correct by their parents.
Later in life, all of these tragic events reflect upon the actions of the person. They start acting weird, violent, start using drugs and alcohol and try to destroy their life and the lives of the others around them. Attempting suicide is not exclusion; although many of the people who have this disorder are prone to premature dying due to their irresponsible actions.
Therapy for antisocial personality disorder
This disorder is considered to be the most difficult and even impossible for treatment. Moreover, in the past it was believed that this is a lifelong problem and that there’s no cure for it.
Luckily, nowadays, there are a lot of positive results in the treatment of this disorder. Over time and with the right therapy for antisocial personality disorder, the situation can improve.
The main problem is that due to the characteristics of the disorder, the person who has it denies all kinds of help and accepts it only when there’s a court order pending.
When and if the person accepts help, depends also on their loved ones. They play a crucial role in the treatment and their role must be active. A person suffering from this disorder needs the greatest help in the world to go through it.
Their loved ones are suffering as well; at first they cannot accept the fact that one of their loved ones is mentally ill. Next, they cannot accept their devious actions and cannot accept the consequences.
The worst and most hopeless cases are when their family and friends give up on them. That’s why family, friends, medical institutions and social care help is essential