Reduce Extreme Swelling Of Your Feet Putting Them Into This Mixture For 15 Minutes!

Extreme swelling of feet can happen from various reasons. Anyway, you can reduce it by preparing a homemade mixture and putting your feet in it! See how!

Among the most common problems in people, especially women because of the type of footwear they use, is that of having swollen or inflamed legs or feet after a long day of routine, highlighting those people who spend all day walking or moving from one place to another. Also, pregnancy or post-pregnancy can cause extreme swelling due to hormonal change and fluid retention.

In addition, this can happen also due to the accumulation of blood in the area. As we mentioned earlier, the most common causes of this problem are that people spend a lot of time standing, walking too much and even, being sitting for a long time.

However, there are many more causes such as: symptom of some disease, blood pressure, taking a birth control pill or antidepressants, fluid retention, varicose veins, poor diet, excess salt or carbohydrates and some allergic reaction.

Among the most common solutions to avoid extreme swelling of the legs and feet we recommend are exercising these body parts very well, for example by: jogging, cycling, holding them up while lying down, among others. Also, choose footwear that is suitable for the activity you are going to do, avoid wearing tight shoes or heels that are more than 3 centimeters high.

Natural remedies to reduce extreme swelling

Water and salt: salt is an excellent exfoliant; soak the feet for 15 minutes in a combination of warm water with salt, then massage and moisturize.

Sage and rosemary: making an infusion with these herbs may be an option. Place the infusion in a container with warm water and dip the feet for 10 minutes, then massage with cream or oil.

Mint: make an infusion with mint leaves as it helps the circulation. Dip your feet in it to help smooth your heels and muscles.

Oatmeal: dip the feet in a mixture of warm water and oats for 15 minutes.

Chamomile: infuse chamomile and immerse the feet when it is cold, then dry and massage.

Olive oil: massage the feet with this oil to help deflate them.

With these simple remedies and tips, you will begin to notice the change and the relief in the feet.

Read more: Vitamins And Minerals In Cabbage Can Help You With Swollen Feet! Use It Like This!

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