You can reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease if you do the following things. No matter if the disease runs in your family or you’re simply concerned, just follow these steps.
People often say that there is very little that you can do to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. A recent study offers results that show that people with greater purpose in life and some specific approaches to nutrition may end up maintaining a better cognitive ability.
A study of the Rush University Center in Chicago has concluded that people with more life purpose maintain cognitive ability better than those who were not leading a purposeful life.
The team wanted to establish a strategy to avoid the consequences of Alzheimer’s.
After following 246 seniors – with up to ten years of annual cognitive tests and neurological tests – and asking them about their purposes in life and then doing brain autopsies after their death, they came to a conclusion.
1. Activity / purpose of life
As people age, they are prone to having plaques (abnormal clusters of protein fragments that accumulate between nerve cells) and brain entanglements (dead and dying nerve cells). But if they have a life purpose, they can avoid dementia despite these physical deficiencies.
There are many real-life examples of people who find themselves very well and continue to pursue adventures in their life, especially adventures that require mental concentration and activity.
Many experts also agree that engaging in mental activities that are new or challenging as one ages also helps maintain mental acuity. Walking briskly in the wild for more than a mile at least four days a week also helps maintain cognitive abilities. In short, being active can significantly reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Reduce risk of Alzheimer’s using these:
2. Coconut oil
After her husband contracted Alzheimer’s disease and could not enter a program to test a new synthetic drug, one doctor and researcher discovered that the active ingredient in the formula to be tested was a synthetic medium chain triglyceride (MCT).
The creation of synthetic drugs requires large amounts of money to obtain patent rights. Synthetic drugs always produce side effects that outweigh its effectiveness.
The researcher discovered that coconut oil contains natural MCT. Her husband had entered the darker side of dementia with his late stage of Alzheimer’s disease. However, after about a month and a half he almost completely recovered. And this happened after taking a tablespoon of coconut oil twice a day. In fact, the metabolism of MCT produces ketones, which dissolve plaques and brain entanglements.
3. Vitamin D3 and Curcumin
The synergy of combining curcumin with vitamin D3 that can prevent or reverse Alzheimer’s disease is a recent development. Each substance alone has proven effective in dementia, so why not combine the two and create a powerful synergy?
This has recently been proven to be effective and has no side effects.
4. Remove the aluminum
Avoid aluminum cooking utensils and deodorants containing aluminum. Aluminum goes directly into the bloodstream. Moreover, aluminum does not pass through the blood-brain barrier and accumulates in soft tissue cells that regenerate less frequently than other tissues, creating plaques.
The brain is an organ that is made up of cells. These cells are recycled more slowly than most other tissue cells from other organs. Silica is ideal for removing aluminum from the soft tissues and eliminating it through the urine. Horsetail grass contains a large amount of silica and can be converted into a tincture to provide a constant dosage of silica.
There are also supplements and mineral waters in the stores with high silica content.
5. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)
Alpha lipoic acid is able to halt the progression of early stage dementia in the late stage of Alzheimer’s disease with a daily dose of 600 mg.
The oxidative capacity of ALA reduces brain inflammation, along with the activity of some metal chelators for heavy metals, including lead and mercury.
Dietary advice includes reducing fructose of all types and eliminating simple processed carbohydrates. Brain cells need cholesterol. Reducing fats for no reason is not a good idea.
So, if you’re trying to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s for whatever reason, you better make these life changes.
Read more: Before Memory Loss, This Is One Of The Very Early Alzheimer’s Symptoms!
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