Reduce Symptoms Of Uric Acid Increase Using These Herbs!

The symptoms of uric acid increase indicate that you need to get rid of it immediately. See the symptoms and use these herbs to reduce it.

Undoubtedly uric acid is a very common problem nowadays. So having incorrect eating habits in your life are without thinking one of the main triggers that cause the appearance of those metabolic waste in your blood. Your body shows symptoms of uric acid increase and that’s when you need to react.

If you too have the symptoms of uric acid increase, you should be looking for natural solutions to try to avoid the side effects that come with medicines that pharmacies sell. Today we will show you three medicinal plants which will be of great help for you to treat uric acid. But first, see which the symptoms are.

Reduce symptoms of uric acid increase

We all have uric acid in our body, only at a tolerable and balanced level. But, when there’s an increase of the uric acid, that’s where all the problems appear. In most cases this happens when you eat unhealthy and incorrectly. Usually, uric acid is the product of the decomposition of animal meats and some vegetables that contain many purines.

When you have excess uric acid there is an inflammation known as gout, which is pain in the joints. Extreme cases occur in which hepatic and renal failure can occur. So, symptoms of uric acid increase are something you should take seriously.

In the same way uric acid is able to elevate the pH of the blood, so it can also produce failures in different organs such as bone fragilities, fatigue, lowering of the defenses and fatigue.

So if you suffer from uric acid you should eliminate refined flours, animal proteins, alcohol, sausages, red meats, sugars, salt and soda from your diet.

Instead, start eating more vegetables with fewer purines, fruits and cereals. A good example are oats, strawberries, lemons, oranges and grapefruit.

Similarly, there are medicinal plants which help you to treat this disease. Of course, these are not going to replace the drugs, but will be a complement to help you improve. Making herbal infusions to purify your blood every day will be the solution.

Within these plants are: dandelion, artichokes and horsetail. These will help you eliminate excess fluid, purify your blood and facilitate more diuretic effects in your body. This is good because you will urinate more and eliminate more purines through this action.

Other herbs useful for uric acid elimination


Surely you have read about this plant. And in case you have not seen it, this is a great protector of the liver and liver functions. It has a depurative effect, so it avoids the formation of proteins that are transformed into ammonia and urea. At the same time this plant will bring you purifying antioxidants to cleanse the blood of purines and excesses of proteins that end up degrading in your body. This plant can be found in natural stores and in compressed states.

Harpagofito or harpago

It’s a little-known plant, right? But it is worth searching and taking it, since the root of this plant is curative and therapeutic. It is very effective for treating uric acid and acts directly on your muscles and joints. This is done by reducing inflammation and relieving pain and improving mobility of the joints. You can find it in natural stores, and it is a perfect painkiller for when you feel pains from uric acid.

Read more: Revolutionary Gouty Arthritis Treatment To Eliminate It Once And For All

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