Know The Symptoms Of Face Paralysis That Everyone Overlooks On Time!

The first symptoms of face paralysis that everyone overlooks could actually save your life. Know them and learn how to treat them on time!

Surely you have heard at some point that someone has suffered some paralysis in the muscles of the face; it even could have happened to you as well. If that is the case we imagine that you might have had a strange sensation, but what causes it?

This muscular problem happens when the facial nerve becomes inflamed and does not work in the most correct way and this causes the muscles of the face to weaken. This does not mean that people suffering from this problem can no longer use those muscles; to some extent weakened. Facial palsy is quite difficult to treat since the recovery process lasts between three and six months or sometimes even more.

Causes of facial paralysis

But why does the facial nerve fester? There are actually many ways in which the facial nerve can be affected. Mainly this inflammation can be caused by a viral infection, by some virus (such as herpes, the same one that causes cold sores), by exposure to intense cold, infection of the upper respiratory tract, among other causes. There are even certain diseases such as: HIV, Lyme disease, sarcoidosis, diabetes, among others, that facilitate facial paralysis.

Symptoms of face paralysis

The symptoms of face paralysis usually develop gradually; within 48 hours they develop completely. Among the most common we can mention: change of sensation (slight or serious) in some part of the face, weakness of facial muscles, feeling stretched to one side, difficulty closing the eye and eating, falling facial skin, problems with smile, headache and loss of taste.


To prevent this facial problem we can share different tips:

  • Because it can be caused by herpes, it is advisable to use a condom when having sex.
  • If you go camping, cover yourself very well, so you prevent the tick bite which in turn gives Lyme disease.
  • Stay away from people suffering from mononucleosis, as this virus can cause paralysis.
  • Avoid getting heavy blows to the face.
  • Wash your face thoroughly to prevent infections.


There is no safe or conventional way of treating facial paralysis, since the symptoms usually disappear in a short time. However, there are times when the paralysis usually lasts much longer. In these cases it is advisable to comply with what the doctor says, moisturize the eyes, do certain facial exercises in front of the mirror and rub the area of ​​your face with moist heat; this can help the paralysis to go away.

Read more: 8 Prime Symptoms Of Cerebral Embolism In Women

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