Viral cold sore is a blister that develops around the mouth or on your lips. See what causes it, how to treat it and how to prevent it.
Cold sore is caused by herpes simplex virus, which can be transmitted from one person to another. Usually, it is passed on kids in their early childhood by insensitive relatives or friends. If it turns up once, be sure that t will return again. Although it makes you uncomfortable having a blister on your mouth, don’t worry, it disappears in 7-10 days. Once it is transmitted, it goes to the nerves where it remains inactive until something or someone triggers it.
Causes of viral cold sore
There are various cold sore causes. Mainly, they are caused by some kind of inflammation or change is going on inside your body.
- Menstruation period
- Respiratory tract infection
- Stress
- Fever
- An injury on your lips
- Bad hygiene
- Poor immunity
If you already have the virus, i.e. you’ve once had cold sore, there’s not much you could do to prevent it from reappearing, but you could minimize the spread.
First of all, if you see that someone else has cold sore, do not kiss or touch them! You’re not immune on cold sores so don’t challenge it. They are contagious when they are in the process of healing just as much as they are when they burst.
Secondly, if you feel an itching on your lip or around your mouth, do not scratch! That’s the one and only sign that cold sore is about to appear. Instead, try washing the area without scratching and apply cold sore cream immediately. If you prevent it from bursting, you may get saved this time from the suffering.
And thirdly, if you’ve noticed that some things trigger the cold sore appearance, avoid doing them. If, for example, you’ve noticed that once you use your favorite lipstick cold sore appears, throw it in the trash instantly! The virus is still on that lipstick and you risk reappearance every time you use it.
Viral cold sore treatment
If you start applying the antiviral cold sore cream in the initial period, just after the tingling, you’ll effectively prevent the bursting. However, if you didn’t notice or feel the itching, you’ll need to use something else.
If the cold sore is already there, you can use cold sore patches containing hydrocolloid gel. Also, you could use the antiviral cold sore creams and they can shorten the healing process time.
In order not to spread the infection even more, don’t touch the cold sore with your hands; try using cotton dabs instead. Dab gently and throw away the cotton dab right after. Wash your hands after applying the cream, just in case.
In addition, never share your cold sore cream with someone else. This can spread the infection and can make your next cold sore even worse. You can get complications if your and that other person’s viruses get in touch.
Needless to mention again, avoid contact and sharing items with people who have viral cold sore.
An important note!
There are genital viral cold sores, so kissing, sex and oral sex are out of question. These genital cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus type 2, causing painful sores around the genitals.