What to Take for Urinary Infection and Why an Early Treatment Is Important?

What to take for urinary infection to get rid of it effectively and quickly? Why an early treatment is essential and which complications can occur? Find out!

Urinary infections are very frequent in our society and you must treat them in time to avoid complications. Some of these complications can lead to death.

This condition is the second most common cause of infection people contract outside the hospital. It usually occurs 30-35 times more in women than in men. However, few are aware of the complications of a urinary infection if not treated in time.

Before you start, you have to know that there are different types of genitourinary tract infections, depending on the affected part, not just the well-known cystitis. Likewise, you must treat them according to their cause.

In this article we will explain the different types that exist and why we must diagnose and treat them in time.

Types of urinary infections

We can group them into two main groups:

Lower urinary tract infections: These include those that occur in the path from the bladder to the end of the urethra, where urine flows out. The infections that can occur are the following:

  • Cystitis: inflammation of the urinary bladder.
  • Prostatitis: inflammation of the prostate.
  • Urethritis: inflammation of the urethra.

Upper urinary tract infections: These affect the kidneys and the structures that draw urine from them and carry it to the bladder, called the ureters. These infections are as follows:

  • Pyelonephritis: infection of the kidney.
  • Kidney abscess.

Risk factors

The urinary tract is sterile, that is, there is no microorganism in its path. This is due to three fundamental factors:

The pH is very acidic.

The existence of urea.

Continuous urinary flow that prevents microorganisms from proliferating.

Therefore, any change in these factors can cause bacteria to ascend the urinary tract leading to infections. For example, an obstruction, either from a prostate growth or from a stone, causes a stop in the continuous urinary flow and produces an overgrowth of bacteria.

The external genitalia, especially those of women, have bacteria of the Lactobacillus type that produce lactic acid, bactericides and hydrogen peroxide. These substances kill any pathogenic microorganism that wants to ascend the urinary tract.

There can be an alteration of the Lactobacillus if we take antibiotics without control, producing more risk of infections.

Furthermore, bladder catheterization is an important risk factor. The tube, which is a tube that enters the urinary tract into the bladder to allow urine to pass, is a perfect place for bacteria to attach and cause infections.

How do these infections affect age or sex?

In childhood we can have urinary infections, but they are usually related to abnormalities that children present in the urinary tract from birth. It should be considered as a touch of attention, since they may require surgical repair.

There are different incidences of urinary infections depending on the sex:

Men don’t usually have urinary tract infections until they’re 60 or so. They have a longer urethra and the prostatic fluid they secrete is acidic and kills bacteria. However, after the age of 60, the size of the prostate increases and the risk of infection due to obstruction of the urinary tract increases.

Women are much more at risk of these infections throughout their lives. This is because the female urethra is much shorter and microorganisms can access the bladder faster. Furthermore, after menopause estrogens decrease and protection against pathogens is reduced.

What microorganisms are involved?

The microorganisms that cause these infections usually come from the intestinal tract. Specifically, most are bacteria; the most frequent is Escherichia Coli, regardless of the person’s condition.

Other microorganisms involved are Klebsiella and Proteus bacteria. But, if the person has more complicated infections or is probed, the possible presence of multi-resistant microorganisms must be considered. They can also be due to multiple bacteria.

Complications of urinary infection

If we initially had a lower urinary tract condition, such as cystitis, and we did not heal it properly, the bacteria may be able to continue to ascend and reach the kidneys. It is the problem of not treating a urinary infection in time.

The infection in the kidneys, as we have explained, is called pyelonephritis. If detected early, it is sometimes not complicated and is cured with the correct medication. However, it can be complicated by giving rise to kidney abscesses.

Kidney abscesses are masses in the kidney. In them we can find the conglomerate dead microorganisms along with our defense cells, generating a collection of pus. You must treat them with antibiotics intravenously; if they are very large, they will have to be drained.

On the other hand, the bacteria that has produced the urinary infection can pass into the blood causing sepsis. If it continues to evolve, it can cause septic shock and death. This happens because the passage of microorganisms into the blood activates our defense response and this causes damage to the different tissues.

What to take for urinary infection?

Therefore, to avoid complications, you must treat urinary infections in time. If you feel voiding symptoms, you should go to your doctor.

Some of these symptoms are as follows:

Polakiuria: increased number of urinations during the day.

Dysuria: pain when urinating.

Tenesmus: an urgent desire to urinate that requires you to go to the bathroom several times.

Urinary urgency.

Color changes in urine: may indicate the presence of blood.

Stomach ache.

What to take for urinary infection? Whatever you do, first see a specialist. It is important that you get the right treatment. The specialist is the one who can prescribe the necessary treatment. If you give an antibiotic regimen for a certain period of time, you must follow it to avoid these and other complications. Some natural treatments exist, too, but you need to take them in addition the antibiotics.

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