Why Does My Stomach Hurt? What Can I Do About It?

Why does my stomach hurt? Is the location of the pain relevant? What can I do about it? Find out all the answers!

If the stomach pain lasts for a long time, it is important to see a specialist to receive a proper diagnosis, as well as medical treatment for our condition.

Why does my stomach hurt?

Pain in the stomach? Medically it is known as epigastric pain, that is, colic that occurs above the navel and below the bust. Specialists do not consider it as something serious, however, there are millions of people a year who go to the doctor for this reason.

To begin with, it is necessary that we learn to know our body and the signals it sends, since there are many reasons why we can feel discomfort in the abdomen. Do not forget that the body absorbs everything around it, from the material to the emotional. So what is the body telling us when our stomach hurts?

Possible causes

Lactose intolerance

There are foods that cause discomfort after eating them, either immediately or after a couple of hours. For example, lactose or gluten. In these cases, the pain lasts for a long time each time these foods are eaten. It is important that you find out what it is and stop consuming it, find a replacement for it.

Stress or anger

The way our body reacts to different emotions, such as anger, anger or stress, inevitably causes symptoms of abdominal pain. The nervous and digestive systems are altered, and the body goes into tension, causing diarrhea and inflammation in the intestine.

According to some research, being under constant stress facilitates abdominal pain and promotes chronic disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome. Apparently, excess stress causes a sensitization of pain pathways, affecting these problems.

Junk food abuse

The excess of junk food (fats, carbonated drinks or spicy abuse) causes pain in the stomach, especially on the left side. The discomfort will continue until the food is digested. If you take time to do it, you may feel nauseated and feel like vomiting.


In medical terms indigestion is known as dyspepsia, with the pain appearing in the middle part of the stomach. The pain may be accompanied by heartburn and gas, and occurs during or after eating food.

Estimations are that between 5 and 11% of the population have indigestion problems due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages, fast or excessive eating.


Premenstrual syndrome is the set of physical and hormonal symptoms that alter the woman’s body. It is usually a pain in the lower back, although a large percentage also suffer from it in the stomach.

The discomfort may continue until the end of the period. Therefore, keep moving, eat healthy and get enough sleep.

Stomach infection

How to identify an infection? This can happen due to viruses, parasites or bacteria found in food. Symptoms depend on the type of bacteria. They can range from a burning sensation to pain, tiredness, lack of appetite and even fever.

It is important to see a doctor if the pain persists. The professional will be the one to determine what type of infection it is and what is the best treatment for it. You must take care with self-medication.


The busy lifestyle, in which the body is under excessive stress, a diet low in fiber and absent of liquids, can cause constipation.

The solution is to turn sedentary life around by doing physical activity and adding cereals, vegetables and at least 2 liters of water to your diet. If the problem persists, the doctor may prescribe laxatives.

Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)

This disease is due to an alteration in gastric juices, they return backwards –from the stomach to the esophagus–, and cause burning and stabbing pains in the stomach and throat.

You should avoid fatty food, chocolates, spicy foods and coffee, in addition to having a light dinner and consuming high amounts of fiber.

Excessive acid in the digestive tract wears down the inside wall of the stomach, causing pain, and there are even cases where high doses cause stomach ulcers.

The causes of stomach pain can be innumerable, ranging from a simple temporary discomfort to serious ulcers.

Note: There are diseases that you can cure with natural remedies or antibiotics and others that require surgical intervention.

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