Your Tongue Feels Burnt and Is White? With Odd Shape? See Why!

Tongue feels burnt and is white, red, brown, with different shape, simply odd? This means your tongue is warning you on un underlying health condition.

If you have a whitish tongue or a white plaque, it may be a sign of a yeast infection, better known as candidiasis. However, this type of pathology is accompanied by a series of symptoms that, if you do not suffer from them, the whitish spot could mean a lack of hygiene.

The tongue is an organ that we don’t usually pay much attention to. However, many times, thanks to its appearance, we can tell if we are suffering from a pathology, and even, sometimes, knowing how to interpret it well helps diagnose some diseases.

For this reason, do not ignore this organ because it can tell you many things about your state of health. The different colors of the tongue, many times, indicate if you have some type of nutrient deficiency.

Next, we will see a series of aspects and characteristics of the language that can indicate some aspects of health.

  1. Tongue with strawberry red color

If you see your strawberry red tongue, it may mean that you need certain vitamins. In the event that it shines slightly, it is surely a sign that your diet lacks iron and vitamin B12.

When this happens, you can sometimes see that the tongue has become “flatter” because most of the taste buds are flattening out. And, in more serious cases, sharp pains may occur when consuming hot liquids or spicy dishes.

If you have any of these symptoms, we recommend that you see a doctor to guide you in your eating habits and to give you a series of tips to improve your overall health.

  1. Tongue with brown color

On other occasions, the tongue may present a kind of brown plaque. In these cases, this condition usually indicates poor hygiene of the oral cavity or that you are a smoker, or a heavy consumer of coffee or black tea.

As a result of the appearance of this brown plaque, an unpleasant odor in the mouth and taste abnormalities may appear, such as having difficulties recognizing flavors.

We recommend that you abandon these habits that are harmful to your health and that you brush your teeth and tongue after each meal with a good toothpaste and a brush in good condition. You will be able to notice the difference in no time.

  1. Off-white

If you have a whitish tongue or a white plaque, it may be a sign of a yeast infection, better known as candidiasis. However, this type of pathology is accompanied by a series of symptoms that, if you do not suffer from them, the whitish spot could mean a lack of hygiene.

In the case of being candidiasis, this infection appears when there is an excessive reproduction of the Candida albicans fungus. Just in case, it is best that you go to the doctor.

  1. Tongue with folds

In this case, if you see that your tongue has folds or wrinkles, you should not worry. It is a normal condition and may be a sign of the passage of time.

Normally, these types of cracks or folds are not painful, but in case of poor hygiene in the oral cavity, the probability of suffering an infection would increase. For example, a fungal infection could develop in the cracks, causing severe pain and burning.u

It is essential, as we have already mentioned, to carry out a correct hygiene of the oral cavity, both of the teeth, as well as of the tongue and the palate, since these last two parts are the most neglected.

  1. Blisters or red lesions

Although it is not usually the most common, tongue cancer occurs with this type of symptoms in the tongue. However, we should not be alarmed if we have some type of blister or red lesions on the tongue, since in most cases they are small wounds that have not healed well or have become infected.

In cases in which these wounds cannot be closed and healed properly, you should see a doctor to try to get a diagnosis as soon as possible and, if it were cancer, start treatment as soon as possible. The doctor will do the tests he deems appropriate.

  1. Tongue feels burnt and is white

Tongue feels burnt and is white? This can be the result of a number of strong hormonal changes, especially during menopause, but it is not always due to this.

Another cause may be that the toothpaste you are using is not suitable for your type of tongue or teeth. For example, some people are allergic to the sodium lauryl sulfate component of pasta, which causes a number of unwanted symptoms. If this is your case, try changing your toothpaste to see if your tongue improves.


The tongue is an important organ of the body that you should not neglect. Proper hygiene and avoiding substances such as coffee, tobacco or black tea regularly are some of the best preventive measures against the development of infections in this part of the body.

Go to the doctor when you see an abnormality in this organ, as it may be a sign of suffering from a major pathology.

Don’t forget to SHARE everything you now know about the tongue and the conditions it warns you on with your friends and family on your social networks!